A lonely commoner boy finds his way in life.

No one under the age of fourteen has sex in this story.

NOTE: This story was inspired by a truly fine writer on this site, who writes some really interesting stories of earlier times in England. His stories usually center on the gentry, so that I decided to try my hand at one of the lower classes. He is responsible for none of my errors here or other deficiencies in this story. All of the credit for that goes to me.


I don’t remember my earliest youth very well, most of us don’t. The memories of those times were mostly washed away by the flood of masculine hormones that hit me at about the age of fourteen and which have dominated much of my life since. I do remember a large powerful man, my father, whose reputation still lives on as he was a master blacksmith who produced anything on the forge from swords to horse shoes and in between. His reputation lives on in the many fine things he made that are still in well honored use.

All I remember about my mother is that she was very soft, and loving. The impressions from that time warm my heart in the lonely private times that I have, as few as they are anmore.

Somewhere about the age of eight; ages being not that important in those days, especially of the low born; I was apprenticed out to a Stable Master, since I showed no interest in being a blacksmith at all. I don’t think that it was intended to be a punishment by my parents, but it did seem like it was at the time, in the tearful first nights of being away from my beloved mother and the rest of my family. I never really saw any of them again. And heard only a little.

I was vaguely aware that our Queen at the time was Victoria, and that she was still very young, though dropping babies like a rabbit at the time. I never did develop much of an interest in the affairs of the gentry, as I was very busy with the life that I had in my own station in life.

When I began my apprenticeship, I was built very strongly for my age. I was only medium tall for those times, but I my weight was concentrated in my upper body, my chest and arms. They had been somewhat toned by my helping my father at the forge, but evidently much of it was a genetic gift father to son.

My first duties in apprenticeship involved getting very acquainted with that stable tool, the pitchfork. My master spent a lot more time than he desired or really had in teaching me the proper use of one. And I got a lot of practice in a stables including up to twenty horses at any one time. Deflections of proper usage, were often pointed out to me with scruffs to my neck or boots applied to my hindquarters. Never cruelly, but with the end product of making me a proper stable boy, from the ground up, as you might put it.

The smells and sights of my work there never bothered me much at all, since it smelled no worse, but of another nature, to the smells of the unwashed in my previous family home. So, after the initial shock of now being on my own at such an early age, and being alone; I started to settle in to my tiny room, the camaraderie of the stable men and with the food that came to me in my room sometimes right from the owner’s table. It was delivered by one of the kitchen girls, older than me, but already taking notice of an up and coming new male on the estate.

It was one of these kitchen girls that introduced me to the practice of bathing for cleanliness. They seemed to take personal delight in providing the tub and warm water to facilitate this, and this practice served me well in my intimate life as I grew older. They often took a hand in helping me to get the best results from this practice. And the serving girls often in my later teens remarked that I was cleaner and better smelling than most of their mistresses.

When my Stable Master found out that I had some experience with forge work, he then diverted at least half of the time to aid their resident blacksmith. Getting me into the family trade at least part-time after all. I mostly worked with making and sizing up horse shoes to relieve the smithy of that time consuming and boring job. I considered anything that moved me from the business end of a pitchfork as a deliverance, indeed.

After the success of this and my starting to grow into my mid-teenage years, I was mostly removed from the pitchfork usage and moved on to horse care. Starting with the washing of them down and the brushing of their hides. They seemed to know that I was still much afraid of them, and were not beyond putting me in my place at times. But, as they got used to my gentle manner in their care, they seemed to let up a bit on the cuffing of my ankles and the nipping of my arms to let me take the care of them that they so enjoyed. They never did fall in love with me, except for a couple of the mares who seemed to look at me at times and wish that I had four legs and was quite a bit bigger. But, they did adopt a much more gentle approach to my efforts to care for them.

Starting at about the age of fourteen, the kitchen girls who had previously only aided me in my baths and in my keeping a couple of sets of clean clothing for my appearances at the main house, started taking in a more of a personal interest in me. And the ages of them didn’t matter that much. From the older to the youngest mid-teens, they started to make it known to me that they had more than professional interests in my hide.

I was fifteen, I figured, when I first encountered the attractions of being with a female. She came to me in the night and in a naked state entered into under my covers on a frosty night, with me sound asleep. I slept with very few clothes on and covers mounded up over me, so she woke me up in her proceeding to enliven my body to her needs. She did very little kissing, but her hands were everywhere about my body, and when they centered at my waist, I took very quick notice. At that she whispered that she didn’t have a lot of time, so she mounted her rounded body up over me under the covers and installed my now gloriously upraised member right up and into her secret place between her hips. I didn’t even get to enjoy much of the wonderful feelings because I soon emptied up into her to her delight and then with a brief kissing and cuddling, she was out of the bed and on her way back to the big house. I then fell back asleep with dreams of big ladies with warm and wet ports of call.

Not long after that, the groomsman passed away and so I was now also in training to prepare the horses for riding and also to drive the wagons and carriages for the Master’s family. They evidently selected me because I was turning into a ruddy and very handsome young man. I looked the best in driver’s livery of any of the available men on the manor. This brought me into very much more of a relationship with the people and especially the ladies of the house. Especially the youngest daughter of the Master, liked me to prepare her horse for her riding, which she did often. Even though I was very busy with the other duties that I had taken up, I was personally requested by her to this duty, and nobody in the stables wanted to cross her in her requests.

After a couple of months of this service to her, with me noticing her reddened face and lively spirit in her arrival back to the stables each time, she caught me in my room, when another boy was required to help her at the end of her ride, and she intended to call me out over that when she found me bathing in my tub. I didn’t’ hear her at first, but by the time that I did, she was partially undressed and holding out a towel to me. I was shocked at this, but knew better than to argue over it, so I rose up to dry off naked in her view and with my male member rising gloriously also to her view.

When I was dried off, she moved me to my bed and laid me down on it. Then much to my surprise, she moved her mouth over to my stone hard member and after kissing and licking around it, took it up into her mouth. I was soon in, in mortal agony and even worse fear, but she took off her most intimate looser garments and laid herself upon the top of my body with her privates up to my face and her mouth back on mine. I am not a complete imbecile, so I knew what I was then to do and I entered upon that service to her, very much enjoyed by me, and her privates. She was soon leaking copious amounts of her female productions right into my mouth and right after that she came on my mouth, while I emptied up into hers, which she of all things swallowed.

She then arose and wiped herself and me off with the towel and was on her way with not one word of reproach about me leaving her to another to take care of her on her return with her horse or the actual services that I did render her afterwards.

Over the next four years or so, I produced at least four children by my efforts, two by Gretchen the round kitchen drudge and one by Alice the youngest daughter of the Master of this realm. Interestingly, she eventually had a total of at least six children, never married and after her brothers left and got themselves killed in one or another of the constant small wars of the time, or got ‘saved’ as members of the clergy, and her sisters a lovely and sexually able lot that got themselves their own husbands, she became the Mistress of this Manor, but this was long after I was gone. And neither she nor I were ever publicly reproached for our sexual escapades at all. In fact, I was often lent out to other families as nominally a carriage driver, but in actuality a ‘freshen upper’ of the women of their households. Can’t say that I minded at all, either. Evidently this was done because of my handsomeness and the energy that I showed in my work, which tended to be passed on to my progeny, official or not. A human stud service, I guess. An in contrast to the often feckless productions of official progeny productions.

But of all of my bed mates while in service at Lord Woollesey’s manor, I liked Gretchen the cook’s helper the best. She became very willing to do almost anything that I wanted, except to light her tits on fire, which I never requested nor even entertained the thought of. She was so soft to engage with, not that pretty, but goodhearted and wonderful with her services with her body to me. She was the first to introduce me to ass play.

It was after her first child, by me I presume. She had been sent to another of the Lord’s relative’s place to produce the offspring and upon her return was in perpetual heat for months. I had her in my bed almost every night that ones higher in the family hierarchy were in residence on others. One night out of exasperation, and the desire to nail me down to her permanently in some fashion, she after we had already dumped each of our intimate loads rose up and told me to get out of the bed while she prepared for something special for me.

She got up and washed herself up very well especially her intimate areas right from her pussy grove back to her ass hole. And then she gathered up the pillows and anything else she could find to brace up her ample hips to a height appropriate for rear entry into her back channel. She grabbed some lard from my counter and slathered up first her ass hole and then my member, which was by now as hard as it would ever get. Then with her on her belly spilling over the pillows, moved her hips up to place me at eyelevel with her rear port with the words, “Jeremy, first French me!”

I knew what that meant, so I moved my mouth, lips and tongue to enliven and enslave her femaleness to my service. With my tongue up her ass hole, she then begged me, “Please don’t trifle with me anymore, just put it up into me rear, please!”

I then replenished the lard on her and me and pushed my member up into her waiting back channel. It turned out to be much more challenging to accomplish at first, but ever so much more rewarding for her and me upon accomplishment. I at first just rested with me totally up into her ass to savor the wonder of the tightness of her grasp on me. But, then with her insistence, I proceeded to pound her rear, like she liked me to do to her pussy. Soon, we were both cumming and then she kicked out the pillows and settled down with me still up in her to spend the night sleeping in that manner.

From then on, we worked that into our love making very often, but never gave up me emptying up in to her pussy. I missed her very badly when I eventually had to leave Lord Woollesey’s service over him not paying me my due for several month’s time. I then went into his best friend’s service the eminent General Shaw. Lord Woollesey got a beat up wagon that was still serviceable in return for this favor to him. I guess, pricing my value to those concerned in this trade. I only returned in my service to General Shaw to the Lord’s a few times, but only once to service Gretchen again to her delight. In her room in the main house, since my old room had long ago been assigned to another stable boy in residence. From the look of him, might have been mine, too.

In my new residence, I in now a somewhat higher station in life and the main driver of the manor’s vehicles and a part time butler, resumed a manner very superior to that in my previous service to the Lord. Evidently the General, who was very aged at this time with a rather young wife wanted an heir that he was unable to provide through her. So, this was one of my first assigned (unofficially, of course) services in my new household. In this home, I was provided a set of rooms far higher than my station would call for, but I wasn’t complaining. And whenever the General was gone for at least a day, his wife, Winnie, would either have me into her bed chamber or be in mine. None of the other servants seemed to notice any of this, even when one day she insisted that I do her right on the grand table in the Grand Dining room while the servants were preparing it for a festive dinner that night in celebration of the General’s return.

She didn’t ask for me to make a grand show of it, she merely moved aside one of the chairs, moved aside a place setting, took the cushion off of the moved chair, leaned over to place her head upon it, asked me to lift her skirts, revealing a nude undercarriage, implant my member up her love channel and empty its proceeds into where it would do the most good. Worked too! Nine months later she to the General’s delight delivered a son and heir to him, that looked a lot like a combination of her and me. Not that the General seemed to care at all, after all he got his son and he was legally his.

And then he set me about ‘freshening up’ his six daughters who were unmarried still at this time. None of them were ugly or ill-tempered, but the available men of that time were more than a little interested in women who were already mothers, assuming that they would be more available to service their carnal interests. So, one by one, I proceeded to add to my litany of ‘under the cloth’ children and the General was so happy at the results of my freshening his daughters, that he gave me bonuses for each of them when they got a husband as a result. And this service to him and other gentlemen of the region ensured my continued residence at the manor and my place in a rather unofficial rising of my station in life.

All of his daughters became agreeable wives, except Maxine the youngest who was about five years younger than me at the time. It became obvious that no one desired her, for reasons unknown, because she was dainty and a real beauty. Not ill-tempered and took to the freshening process very well indeed.

So, since I had acquired a very noble manner of presenting myself, the General in his old age inquired of me as to whether I would like to enter the peerage, to marry his youngest daughter. We were in his study with the door open and a lot of ears were waiting upon my decision in this matter. I actually had it really good in the situation I was in, and I had no desire to begin to act as a crass ass in the manner as many of the young gentry did. So, I inquired of him about that. He said that was not necessary nor going to be required of me. I could remain my jovial and pleasant self as far as he was concerned.

I then asked of Maxine’s opinion on the matter and he with his hand to his mouth and whispering to me advised me that she could barely contain her joy at the thought of it.

So, he presumed upon the regency to provide the needed advancement of mine, and upon their determination that I was a harmless, but very evolved in manner for a person raised in the lower classes, agreed to render this service to me. And so, I was raised to be a SIR, a knight of the realm and qualified to take the hand of the lady, Maxine. She was delighted and didn’t want to delay the nuptials for long.

Because of the general liking of me and the elation of seeing a fellow member of the servant class about to be raised to the peerage, a riotous celebration broke out that night after Maxine and the General took to their beds. Every woman of the servant class that was of age, wanted a piece of me that night, and got it. With the avid encouragement and fellow offerings of the men of the house, too. A proper sendoff to matrimony, as I had ever heard of.

I was promised various possessions in honor of my coming new station in life, including the management of the estate, which none of the other children wanted to be bothered by with the aging of the General. It would be reimbursed, also. With the obvious plan of it all coming under my ownership with his youngest daughter some day after the General’s demise.

But, the only thing that I actually requested was that The General obtain Gretchen to serve in his house for my comfort. He readily complied with this request. In this two women that I very much admired were made happy, since Gretchen would serve her new mistress as her lady in waiting, and to me an agreeable additional lover.

Maxine and I had a very modest but happy wedding ceremony, with all that really mattered to me present, except members of my childhood family. They couldn’t be found, and we tried. Even Lord Woollesey showed up with a very handsome carriage as a gift. When things somewhat quieted down he took me by the sleeve and in a private room, told me how proud he was of me. And in his eyes, I saw the truth of it.

As things settled down with my taking command of the house and household, the servants were somewhat surprised that I didn’t take on an indulgent attitude towards them. But, they did appreciate the positive and fair-minded attitude that I presented. And also were so very happy that I sponsored the advancement of their sons, in appropriate apprenticeship postings and advance educations of those that showed real educational prowess. And they just took as a matter of course, my ‘freshening up’ of their daughters to get proper mates.

I lost count of my progeny, but produced six children by Maxine and another two by Gretchen. I lived many years and retired in death with one of Maxine’s sons in charge.