The Story Of Kelly And Bill

Kellys Sexual Awaking

This Is the Story about Bill and Kelly; both are 35 and live in A Small Town in Northern Florida, They Are Conservative and Are Happy with Their Lives. They Have Known Each Other Since They Were 13; Married To Each Other Right Out Of High School and Both Virgins on Their Wedding Night, This Story Is About the Sexual Awaking Of Kelly. I Know It Is Kind Of Long And The sex Is Slow To Start Happing, But I Thought It Was Important To Introduce The Characters, The Next Stories Will Be Shorter And Will Be About Kelly And Bills Sexual Awaking
Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now She Had To Admit, She Did Enjoy It, Something that she Had Never Thought In A Million Years she Would Do, No One Including Bill Knew She Smoked And It Was Her Secret, Well Hers And Mary An Older Woman That Kelly Worked With And Really The One That Got Kelly To Start Smoking In The First Place, At First It Was Only at Work Then It Was At Home When She Was Alone Till now She Was Up To A Pack a Day. Bill Had A Good Job, He Was A Manager At The Local Hardware Store In There Small Town And Made a Good Living, She Had Become Board At Staying Home all The Time, She Had Added Some weight And Decided That she Needed To Find Something To Do Other Than Sitting Around The House All Day And Snacking, As The Town Was Small There was Not A Lot To Do, But there was A Small Convenient Store At The Other End Of Town, The Owner Was Semi Retired, He Had Run A Chain Of Stores In Jacksonville And Had Retired, He Had Moved To Their Small Town And Purchased The small Store, It Was Still A Mom And Pop Store, He Kept It Open From 7 am till 10Pm Monday Through Friday And Saturdays 7am till 5pm And Sundays It Was Closed. Him and His Wife Traveled a Lot So They Did Not see Him A Lot, Kelly Had Decided To See About Getting A Job There, They Really Did Not Need The Money As Bill Made More Than Enough But She Just Needed Something To Get Her Out Of The House. She Had Applied and been Hired on the Spot. She Had Been Paired With Mary, She Was A Few Years Older than Kelly, They Worked the Evening Shift and after 5 pm it was Pretty Much Dead. They Usually Just Stocked The Shelves, Mopped And Cleaned Till They Closed Up At 10, But It Got Kelly Out Of The House And Her Mind Busy. At The Time She Started Kelly Was About 25 Pounds Over Weight, They Would Take Breaks And Her And Mary Would Go Out Front, Mary Would Smoke And Kelly Would Snack On Chips or Candy Bars. One Day Mary Was Telling Kelly That She Was Just Like Her, She Was Over Weight And Low On Energy, Kelly Ask Her How She Had Lost The Weight As Mary Was Super Skinny, Mary Held Up Her Cigarette And Said This Is How, I Used To Snack All The Time Just Like You Do, But When I Started Up Smoking I Quit Snacking And The Weight Just Fell Off, She Offered Kelly A Cigarette, But Kelly Refused Saying That She Couldn’t, Mary Said Sure You Can, Kelly said There was No Way, What If Some One Saw Her, What Would They Think, Mary Said Screw Them. k Her How She Had Lost The Weight As Mary Was Super Skinny, Mary Held Up Her Cigarette And Said This Is How, I Used To Snack All The Time Just Like You Do, But When I Started Up Smoking I Quit Snacking And The Weight Just Fell Off, She Offered Kelly A Cigarette, But Kelly Refused Saying That She Couldn’t, Mary Said Sure You Can, Kelly said There was No Way, What If Some One Saw Her, What Would They Think, Mary Said Screw Them. You Are Over 18. After They went Back To Work Kelly Got To Thinking What Mary Had Told Her, That Was One Reason She Took The Job Was To Get Out Of The House So She Would Quit Snacking So Much And Here She Was Still Snacking all The Time, Later When They Went Out For A Break, Mary Reached Into Her Pocket And Handed Kelly a Pack Of Virginia Slims Ultra Lights, Kelly Refused And Mary Said These Are A Gift, I Am Not Telling You Have To Smoke, But Give It A Try, Kelly Reached Over And Took Them And Slipped Them Into Her Pocket, Then She Grabbed A Bag Of Chips And Started To Open Them, Mary Said Go Ahead And Try A Cigarette, You Will Not want To Eat The Chips, Kelly Protested, What If Someone Shows Up, Mary Said It Is After 5, The Only Customers We Are Likely To See Are Just Passing Though And Want Know You, She Convinced Kelly, She Laid The Bag Of Chips Down, Fished The Cigarettes Out Of Her Jeans Pocket, Mary Had To Show Her How To Open The Package And How To Get The First One Out Of The Box, Mary Lit It For Kelly Who Took A Deep Inhale Followed By A Fit Of Coughing, She Immediately Threw The Cigarette Down And Stomped It Out, After Her Coughing Eased Up She Told Mary That Smoking Was Not For Her. But The Funny Thing Was She Did Not Want To Eat The Chips Now. The Next Time She And Mary Went Out To Take A Break She Reached Into Her Pocket, Took Out The Pack And Took One Out, Mary Lit It For Her And This Time She Took Small Puffs, She Did A Little Coughing But Not Too Bad, And She Had To Admit It Did Taste Pretty Good, Three More Breaks That Afternoon, Three More Cigarettes And No Snacking. After A Couple Of weeks she had lost 6 Pounds and Was Feeling A Lot Better. Another Thing About Her Job Was Because It Was An Older Building And Not The Best Air Condition System They Was Allowed To Wear Shorts, Now Kelly Would Wear Shorts In The House But Would Have Never Dreamed Of Even Going Outside In Shorts, She Was Just Not Raised That Way, Her Parents When She Was Growing Up Would Not Have Allowed That. Even When She And Bill Went To The Beach She Still Wore A One Piece Swim Suit And as Soon As She Got Out Of The Water She Put A Wrap Around Her. Mary would scold her in the Afternoons, Telling her you are Making Me Feel Hot in Those Jeans and as the summer wore On Kelly Had to Admit That the Jeans Was Hot in the Store. That Night As She Climbed Into Bed She ask Bill What He Would Think If She Started To Wear Shorts Outside Of The House, Bill Immediately Started To Feel Frisky, Usually They Only Made Love On Friday Night, Nothing Fancy, He Would Play With Her A Little, Ask Her If She Wanted To Try This and That, Every Once In A While He Would Go Down On Her, She Did Not care For It But It seemed To Make Him Feel Better, He Would Try To Talk Her Into  A Blow Job, She Had Tried It Once Years Ago Right After They Had Gotten Married But Did Not Like It And Since Then Had Refused To Do It Again. The Kinkiest Thing That She Had Ever Done was Try Anal Sex Once and Never Again, She Had Been Raised the Sex Was a Necessary Evil, The Less You Had to Do It the Better You Was Off. Any way Bill Told Her That He Thought She would Look great Wearing Shorts, She Had Lost A Lot Of Her Weight Over The Last Couple Of Months And Her Body Was Looking Good, He Then Started Kissing Her, He Pulled Back And Said You Taste Funny, She Though Shit I Forgot to Brush My teeth, He Is Going To Know I Am Smoking, She Told Him That It Was Some Soup That Mary Had Shared With her at Work, It Did Leave A Funny After Taste In Her Mouth, Bill Seemed To Accept Her Explanation Then He Started To Make Love To Her, He Was Finished In 5 Minutes And Sound asleep In No Time, Kelly No Matter How Hard She Tried She Could Not Go To sleep, Finally She Got Up And Went Out On The Back Porch, Pulled Out a Cigarette And Fired It Up, After She Had Finished It She Went Back To Bed and Fell Asleep. She Finished Her Cigarette That Morning On The Back Porch, Hid The Butt In An Old Coffee Can She Kept Behind A Plant On The Back Porch And Went In To Start Breakfast, She Put The Briskets In The Oven, Started The Coffee And Went to Wake Bill Up So He Could Get Ready For work, After Bill Left For Work She Did What she Did Every Morning For The Past Year, She Poured Her A Cup Of Coffee And Went Out On The Back Porch, Lighted Up A Cigarette And Enjoyed The Morning, My How Her Life Changed Over The Past Year.
            After She Came In, Washed The Breakfast Dishes, Laid Out Lunch For Her And Bill, She went Into Her Closet, Picked Out A Couple Pair Of Her Older Jeans That She Wore When She was Heaver, She Got a Pair Of Siccors From Her Sewing Kit And Cut Them Off At The Knees, She Tried Them On And was Pleased At The way She Looked, When Bill Came Home For Lunch He Said What Are You Wearing, She said That she Had Decided To start Wearing shorts as The Summer Was Getting So Hot, He Replied That They Was Not That Attractive, She shot Back That They are To Be Cooler, And Not attractive. When She showed Up To work Mary took one look at her and said What Are You doing In Those Old Baggy Jeans, Kelly Told Her I Just took your advice and decided To Wear shorts, Mary Said Those Are Not shorts, They Are Just Old Baggy Jeans That You Chopped Off And Not That good Either, I Tell You What, We Are Off Saturday Night, I Am Going to Come By Your House, Pick You Up And we are Going To go into The City To the Mall, I Am going to take You clothes Shopping, we Will go and Have a Meal Then I Will Bring you back home, Kind of a Girls Night Out. Kelly Thought For a Minute And Said You Know Saturday Is Bills Poker Night, He Will Work Till Noon Then He Will Be Off With His Buddies All Day, Let’s Do It And Just Make A Day Of It.
Saturday Morning At 9am Mary Was There To Pick Up Kelly And They was Off To The City, As Soon as They Left The Small Town behind Kelly Lighted Up, Something She Had Never Done Was Smoke In A Vehicle, She Did Not dare Do It In Her On Car As She Was Still Scared Someone Might See Her As She Drove around Town, This Was Something she Could Get Used To, The Open Road And The Freedom It Offered. After An Hour They Pulled Into a Spa, Kelly Looked at Mary With A Questioned Look On Her Face, Mary Replied, This Is My Treat, We Are Going To Get You A Full Makeover, Hair, Nails And Some Tanning Bed Time, You Need Some Color In You, If You are Going To Be Dressing sexy Now You need To look Sexy, First stop Was The Hair, They Washed It, Trimmed It And Put Some Body In It, While They Was Doing Her Hair They Did Her Nails Then It Was To The Tanning Beds, Being A Brunet And Her Skin Being Naturally Dark It Did Not take Long For Her To Darken Up A Little, Kelly Had To Admit That She did Feel Sexy, Then They was Off To A Light Lunch Then To The Mall, Where With Mary’s Help she Picked Out some New Bras, Underwear And Even a Couple Of Thongs Then on To the Clothes, Everything she Picked Out Mary Put Back Up, Finally after a Couple Of Hours She ended Up With a Couple Of Sun dresses, And A Variety Of shorts, Kelly Thought They Was To short, But Mary said look around You Kelly, As Kelly Finally Looked Around She did Notice That Most Of The women She saw Walking around The Mall Was Wearing A Lot More Reviling Clothes Than What Mary Had Picked Out For Her, She Had Tried On The Last Outfit And Was Modeling It For Mary, It Was a Pair Of Denim Shorts With splits On the sides. A White Sleeveless Top That Stopped Just Above Her Waistline, She Told Mary That She Thought She Had Enough New Clothes, She Had 2 Sundresses, And 6 Pairs Of Assorted Shorts And Tops, she Went Back In The Changing Room To Change Back Into Her Clothes And Noticed That They Were Gone, She Looked Around The Changing Room But The Only thing there was The New Clothes She Had Picked Out, She Poked Her Head Around The Curtain And told Mary That they had A Problem, The Clothes She Had Wore Into The store was Gone, Mary Said Yea I Know, When You weren’t Looking I Threw Them away, Those Old Baggy Jeans You was wearing And That Over Sizes Shirt Are Not You Now, Cut The Tags Off The White Shorts And Yellow Top, Wear Them To The Check Out Counter, Give Them The Tags And You can Wear Those Clothes Out Of The store, Kelly Was Not Sure, But She Was Buying The Clothes To Wear So Might As well Go For It. As They Walked Out Of The Mall Kelly Noticed A Lot Of Men Stopping And Watching Her, This Kind Of Excited Her, Then Mary And Her Was Off To A Nice Restraint, Had A Nice Dinner And Something New For Her, They Set In The Smoking section Where She Enjoyed a Cigarette Before The Meal And after The Meal Then Back Home. On The Way Home Mary Commitment That I Bet Bill Jumps Your Bones As soon as You come Though The Door, Kelly Looked At Her Friend And Said Why, We Did It Last Night, Mary Said But What about Tonight, Kelly Explained That They Only did that On Friday Night, Well Except Last Wednesday They Had Done It, Mary looked at Kelly And Said You Are Way Too young To Be Acting So Old, Kelly Looked at Mary And said well You are Older Than Me, How Often Do You Do It, Mary Looked At Kelly And said Every chance I Get, Kelly Just Shook Her Head At That And Thought, There Is no Way, Once A Week Is More Than Enough And If I Had My Way We Would Only Do It Once a Month, She Did Not Tell Mary This, But Sex Was Not something That Most women Enjoyed, Her Mother Had Drilled That Into Her Head At a Very Young age.
When She Arrived Home, Bill Had Just Gotten Home a Head Of Her, He Took one Look at His wife as She walked Though The door, His Mouth Just Dropped Open, With Concern On Her Face She Looked At Bill And said what Is Wrong, He Replied You Are So Beautiful, It Was After That That Kelly Noticed The Tent In His Pants, She Showed Him the New Clothes She Had Purchased, Ask Him What He Thought Of Them, His Only Reply Was Yes, She Told Him About Her day At The Spa, The Mall And How Mary Had Throwed Her Old Clothes Away And She was Forced To Wear The New Ones Home. After they went To Bed Bill Started Playing with Her Tits and Kissing Her Neck, In No Time He Was all Over Her and Made Love to Her. Kelly Slept Late that Morning, When She Got Up Bill Had all Ready Been Up, Had Coffee Made And Was Reading The Sunday Paper, She Filled Her Cup, And set down To Read Part Of The Paper, Bill said that It was Going to Be a Nice Day And Why Didn’t they fix A Lunch and Spend The Day at the Lake, Kelly thought That sounded Like a Good Idea, She Got Up Said Let Me Go And Get dressed, You Pack a Lunch And we Will Do That, She Was Really hating herself For sleeping Late as what she Really Needed was a Cigarette, But Bill Was Up And He Would Want To Know why She Was Going Outside, She went to The Bedroom To start Getting dressed When She Noticed A Box Gifted wrapped On The Dresser, She Took The Card Out And Looked at It, It Simply said To My Beautiful Wife Kelly, She Opened The Box And Was Surprised At What She saw, A Letter, A and A Little Leather Purse, When She Opened The Purse It Had A Pack Of Cigarettes And a Gold Lighter, She Read The Letter, It Said Kelly, I Have Known For Some Time That You Was smoking, When She Turned She saw Bill Standing In The Bedroom Door, Kelly Looked At Bill And Said I Am so Sorry Bill, I Will Quit, He Said No, I Would Much Rather Have A Slender Wife That smokes Than an Over Weight One That Don’t, All I Ask Is that You Don’t smoke In The House And That We Don’t Have any Secrets Between Us, I Understand The Smoking Has Helped You lose The weight, Kelly Darling I Understand, She Kissed Bill As They Hugged, Before She Knew It They was Back In Bed And Making Love, When They finished, She dressed In A Pair Of Denim Shorts, a Low Cut top And was Off To The Lake,  At The Lake She swam, Laid Out In The Sun And Just Had a Great Time, They Even Found a Trail And Before She Realized It They was Making Love Under The Trees.
The Next Couple Of Months Just Flew By,, She Had Gotten So Many Complements On Her New Clothes, At One Time, It Was Not that Long ago She Could Not Have Imagined Wearing Shorts And Tight Tops Out In Public, Now She Could Not Imagine Not Wearing Them, She Had Boxed Up All Of Her What Bill And Mary Referred To as Her Fat Clothes And Given Them Away To Charity, She Was Going Online And Ordering More Clothes All The Time, She Had Even Ordered A Bikini And was Sunbathing In The Mornings In The Back Yard, And Her Sex Life Had Changed, Now Was Gone Just On Friday Night, Now Just About Every Night They Did It and A Couple Of Times When Bill Would Come Home For Lunch They would Do It. He Still Though Tried To Get Her to Suck His Dick, She Just Could Not Bring Herself To Do that, But she Had To Admit That She Was Starting To Enjoy It When He Would Go Down On Her. As September Rolled around It Was Bills Annual Fishing Trip Was Fast approaching, Every September Bill and His Friend Would go away for a Long weekend Of Deep Sea Fishing and Kelly always On That weekend went to Georgia to a Town That Had an Antique Festival. Bill And His Buddies Pulled Out Friday Morning Headed South And Kelly Pulled Out A Few Hours Later Headed North, She stopped at The store And Bought A Carton Of Cigarettes, Over The Last Couple Of Months The Whole Town Pretty Much Knew She smoked, The Funny Thing Though, Not Only did The Her Friend And family Not Judge Her, She Found Out That Most Of Them Smoked as Well. As she Headed Out Of town, She Had Bought A Pair Of Daisy Dukes And Was Wearing A Checkerboard Shirt Tied At Her Waist, It Left Her Whole Stomach Exposed, Just As She Crossed Into Georgia Her Check Engine Light Came On, After A Few More Miles The Car Started To Run Rough, She Checked Her GPS And Found That There Was A Little Town To The East, She Turned Onto The Hiway That Would Take Her There, After A Few Miles She Came To The City Limits Of A Little Town, It Did Have A Mechanic Shop So She Pulled Up And Got Out, She Found The Owner, A Young Black Man, He Went out And Checked Her Car Out, He Then Told Her It Had A Plugged Injector, If He Called It In Now It Would Be Here In The Morning, He Could Have Her Back On The Road By 9am, Kelly Ask Him If There Was A Motel In Town, Earl Told Her There Was One On The Other Side Of Town, He Would Call For A Taxi To Take Her Over There, After A Few Minutes A Grey Minivan Pulled Up And A Black Woman Got Out, She Looked To Be around 30, She Was Average Height, Not Fat But Not Skinny, Large Boobs, Must Have Been D Size, Much Larger Than Kelly’s C Cups, She Was Dressed In A Pair Of Short Shorts And A Tight T-Shirt, She Walked Spoke To Earle Who Pointed To Kelly, She Walked Over To Kelly And Introduced Her Self As Rebecca, She Got Kelly’s Bags and Put Them In The Mini Van And They Pulled Out Of The driveway. After They Pulled On To Main street she ask Kelly If she Minded If She smoked, Kelly said No That She Didn’t Mind As she also Smoked As Well, Rebecca Took A Pack Of Menthols Out, Offered Kelly One, Kelly Refused And took Out Her Marl berg Lights And Lit One, Rebecca Looked At Her And said You Might As Well Not Smoke If Those Was All You Was Going To Smoke, Kelly Told Her That she Had Not been smoking that Long, She Had Tried Menthols That Some Of Her Friends Had Smoked, But She Did Not Care For Them, She Told Her she Had started With Ultra Lights But They Just Did Not Seem Strong Enough Lately So She Had Started Smoking Marburg Lights And Was Pleased With them, As They Drove Though town She Noticed That Most Of The Businesses Were Closed Up, She Ask Rebecca About It, Rebecca Explained That They Once Had a Textile Mill In Town, It Employed The Majority Of the Town But A Couple Of Years Ago It Had Closed And Moved over Seas And Had Killed The Town Pretty Much, Her And Her Husband Had Both Worked In The Mill, They Had Taken There servance Packages And Went Into The Taxi Business, She worked around town And Joe Went Into The City every day and worked The airport, All  in all They was Making Better Money Than They ever did at the Mill, It Had worked Out for them but there was a Lot Of People Hard hit. They Pulled Into the Motel and the First Thing Kelly Noticed Was the No Vacancy Sign Lit Up, Kelly Got Out and Went In And Returned Shortly, She Ask Rebecca If There was Another Motel In Town, Rebecca Said The Other @ Had Closed And She Had Forgotten This Was The weekend That The City People Came To Town, Kelly Ask What Do You Mean The City People, Rebecca Explained That One Weekend Every Month They All Came To Town, Kelly Thought Strange They Would Come To A Dead Town But She Did Not Ask any More Questions, But She Did Ask How Far To The Nearest Hotel, Rebecca Ask Her, If You Don’t Mind Staying With Black People You Can Come and Stay With Me And Joe Tonight, We Have Plenty Of Room, My Kids Have Went To Spend The Weekend With My Mother, You Can Have A Home Cooked Meal, A Good Bed To Sleep In and I Will Have You Back To Pick Up Your Car In The Morning, Kelly Thought a Minute, She Decided She Really Had No Choice, She Had Never Been Around Black People, She Did Not Consider Herself Prejace, She Just Had Never Really Been around Black People, So She Told Rebecca That She Would take Her Up Only If She Could Pay For The Room, Rebecca Said Well The Motel Gets 50 A Night, I Will Lest You Have It For 30, But Really You Don’t Have To pay, Kelly Said That It Would Make Her Feel Better To Pay So Rebecca Said Deal. After They Got To Rebecca’s House Kelly Was Impressed, It was a Nice Brick Home and The Neighborhood Was Nice, She Noticed That There was As Many White People As Black People In the Neighborhood, After They Had settled In and was setting in the Living room drinking Sweet Tea There was a Knock On The Door, Rebecca Got Up to answer The door and came in With a Young white Girl, Very slender, Long Blonde Hair, Looked A Lot Like a Young Brittany Spears Before She Got all Trashy looking, She Was wearing Cutoffs And a T-Shirt And Flip Flops, Kelly Did Notice That she Had Very nice Legs,  Rebecca Introduced The Girl To Kelly, Her Name Was Jill And she Lived Next door, She Was 19 And Lived Next Door, She Had Graduated From High School Back In The spring, she Had been The Val Victorian Of Her Class, She was Going To College In The Fall and Comes Over To Use Their Computer As Her Parents Can’t Afford One, Jill Said Hello To Kelly Then Went to the Computer and started doing Her Work, Rebecca Said It Was Time To Start Dinner, Kelly said she Needed To step Out on The Porch a Minute, Rebecca Said If You Can Smoke In The House If You Want To, Me And Joe Do All The Time, Kelly Followed Rebecca Into The Kitchen, Rebecca Grabbed A Cigarette Out Of A Pack On The Counter And Lit Up And Started Cooking dinner, Kelly Set Down On A Bar stool At The island and was talking As She Also smoked, after a While Jill walked Into The Kitchen, Poured Her A Glass Of Iced Tea, Reached Over And Took a Cigarette Out Of Rebecca’s Pack And Lit It Up, She Then Started Asking Kelly Where she was from, after explaining Her Situation To Jill Rebecca ask Her If she was staying for Dinner, Jill said No That Her And Her Boyfriend was Going Out For Pizza Later, Rebecca Said If They Got Board They Could always Stop By Later As Her and Joe would Be Up, Maybe They could Play a Game Or something.
Later On as Dinner Was Cooking Jill, Rebecca And Kelly Was Sitting In The Living Room Talking Girl Stuff When This Big Black Man Came Though The door, He Was Well Over Six Feet And wearing A Suit And Had A Shaved Head, Even With The Suit On Kelly Could Tell He Was Very Muscular, He Kissed Rebecca, She Introduce Him To Kelly, He Said Let Me Go Take A Quick Shower And Get Into Some Comfable Clothes, Then We Can Talk While We Eat, He Then Disappeared To The Back Of The House Where The Bedrooms Was Located, Rebecca Explained He Hated Wearing The Suit But Working the Airport It Was Important To Look The Part. After 10 Minutes Joe Came Back In Wearing Gym Shorts And no Shirt, Kelly Had Been Right, There Was Not an Ounce of Fat on This Guy Anywhere, He Had a Six Pack, She Then Noticed an Ugly scar On His Right Knee. Over Dinner Of Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes With Brown Gravy And Apple Pie For desert They Chatted Back And Forth about Their Lives, Kelly Had Found Out That Joe Had Been A Star Running Back Out Of High School, Gotten A Scholarship To Play For A Major University, His Senior Year He Tore Up His Knee In A Game Ending His Career, The University Pulled His Scholarship AND he CAME back HOME, he WAS majoring IN business SO the MILL hired Him As A Foreman, He Met Rebecca As She worked In The Office, When The Mill Closed They Both Got Good servance Packages And Was Able To Start Up Their On Business, With Joes Knowledge And Rebecca’s Book Keeping Knowledge They Was Able To Turn It Into A Pretty Good Business. Though Desert Kelly Dropped Her Fork, When She Bent Down To Pick It Up She Could Not Believe What She Saw, Joes Dick Was Hanging Out Of One Leg Of His Shorts, Just Hanging There, She Had Only Seen One Dick In Her Life, Her Husbands And Hard It Was Still Smaller Than What Joe Had Just Hanging There Right In Front Of Her, She Just Stared At It, It Was Huge, Finally She Set Back Up With a Stunned Look On Her Face. After Dinner They Watch a Little TV. Talked a Little More Then Kelly Said She was Tired And Going To Bed, Rebecca Walked Her To The Bedroom, They Said Good Night And She Shut The Door, Kelly Just Tossed And Turned, She Could Not Get The Scene Of That Dick Out Of Her Mind, She Had Heard That Black Men Was Well Endower But She Just Thought That Was Talk, If She Had Never Seen It She would Never Believe It, She Always Thought Bill Was Huge, But What He Had Was Nothing Compared To Joe, She Just Kept Laying there, Tossing and Turning thinking About That Big Dick, around 11 She Got Thirsty, She Decided To Go And Get a Glass Of Warm Milk, Maybe That would Help Her fall Asleep, She Thought That Rebecca And Joe Were asleep, But When She Was Pouring The Milk She Noticed That A Blue Light Was Coming from The Living Room, She Peeked Around The Corner and There Was Joe Leaning Back In A Chair, Naked, Rebecca Was On Her Knees Naked Sucking On Joes Dick, Kelly Was In A Trance Seeing The Big Dick Going In And Out Of Rebecca’s Mouth, There was a Porn Movie Playing On The Bid Screen TV With the Sound Muted, Kelly Just stood There, She Had Never seen anything Like This In Her Life, She Felt Her Panties Getting wet, She Reached Down To Pull Them Out Of Her Pussy, When Her Hand Made Contact With Her Pussy Lighting Just Shot though Her, She Dropped The Glass Of Milk She Still Had In Her Other Hand, When It Hit The Floor It Shattered, Rebecca And Joe Look Her Way, Joe Just Smiled at Her, Rebecca Just stood Up And Stared Walking Her way, Kelly Was Just Frozen With Fear And the Sight Of Joes Dick Just standing Up In The air, Rebecca Took Kelly By The Hand and Led Her Over To Joe, Pushed Her Down Into Kneeling Position Right Between Joes Legs, His Dick Right In Front Of Her, It was Every Bit As Long as Her Fore Arm, Rebecca Ask Kelly If She Wanted To Touch It, Without Saying a Word Kelly Reached Out And Grasp Joes Dick, Then Rebecca Said Go ahead And Suck On It, Kelly Said I Would Like To, But I Have Never Sucked On A Dick Before, Rebecca Said Go Ahead, Joe Is a Patent Lover, He Will Work With you, Just Listen To His Instructions, Joe Then Told Kelly To Lick The Head And Get It Good and wet, She did Then Joe Told Her To Open Her Mouth And Start Taking It In As Far as You Can, Just relax, Let A Little Out And Then Take Some More In, Kelly Did Not Know What Had Come Over Her But All She Could think Of Was She wanted To Suck On This Big Black Dick, She Was So In To the Blow Job She Did Not Notice That Rebecca Was Slipping Her Panties Off, She Was In A Different World, Just Listening To Joes Instructions, Feeding More And More Of That Dick Going Into Her Mouth, She Did Not Notice Rebecca Sliding Under Her Between Her Legs Till She Felt Rebecca’s Tongue Touch Her Pussy, She Had Never In Her Life Felt Such Pleasure, She Started Grinding Her Pussy Into Rebecca’s Face, The Pleasure From The Other End Must Have Relaxed Her Because The Next Thing She Noticed Was Joes Dick Was Down Her Throat, She Was In Heaven, A Big dick down Her throat, A Tongue On Her Pussy, She Then Had Her First Ever Orgasm, If Was Like a Damn Opened Up, Just Wave after wave Of Pleasure Streamed Though Her, She Remembered Rebecca Sliding Out From Under Her, Joes Dick Still Buried Down Her Throat, She did Not want to Give It Up, She Intended To Milk It Till It Was dry, She Then Felt Rebecca Lean Over Her And Reach down And Play with Her Tits, Then She Felt What Felt Like a Dick Start Entering Her Pussy, She was Not sure what Was Happing, she Could Not turn Her Head To see Unless She was willing To Give Up The Dick In Her Mouth, Bit she Could Feel More And Moe Entering Her from behind, at First It Hurt, Then The Pain Turned Into Intense Pleasure, Then She Felt Whoever It Was attached To Start Pumping In And Out Of Her, Then She Felt Joe start To Tense Up, Then His Cum Hit Her In The Back Of the Throat, The Taste Was Like Nothing she Had Ever Tasted Before, It Was salty But Good, After She Had Milked Joe Dry And He Pulled His Dick Out Of Her Mouth She Looked Behind Her, It Was Earl The Mechanic And To Her side was Jill And Rebecca In A 69, Earle Just Kept Fucking Her Till He Tense Up, Then He Pulled His Dick Out and shot A Load all Over Her ass, Kelly Was Wishing that she Could Have Bent Around and Licked Her Own Ass, Then Earle Came Around Front And Held Out His Dick To Her, Not As Big As Joes But Still Huge, Kelly Wasted No Time In Getting Her Lips Around It, There Was Still A Little Cum There And She Was Trying To Get as Much As She Could, When She Finally Got Earl Cleaned Up, She Rolled Over And There Was Joe With That Magnificent Cock Buried In Jill’s Pussy Doggy Style, Rebecca Was Laid Back With Jill’s Face Buried In Rebecca’s Pussy, Kelly Did Not Know What Came Over Her But She walked Over To Rebecca And started Fondling Her Tits, She Bent Down And Kissed Rebecca, Rebecca Immediately Opened Her Mouth And Stuck Her Tongue In Kelly’s Mouth, Rebecca Reached Up and started fondling Kelly’s Tits, They Just Kept Massaging Each Others Breast And Kissing, Then Kelly Heard Joe Grunt, He Went Ridged Then Relaxed, Kelly Knew He Had Just Blown A Load Into Jill. Joe Got Up And Went and set Down, The Big Dick Just Hanging There Then Rebecca Had An Orgasm As Well, She Broke the Kiss That They Were Sharing, After A Few Minutes She Looked at Kelly, She said They are Both Going To Need Cleaning Up, You are The Guest So You Choose Which One You want and I Will Take The Other, Kelly thought a Minute, As Much As she wanted that Big Dick She New From Experience From Leroy’s Dick That there Would Not Be Much Yummy Cum Left In It, But Jill On the Other Hand, She Had a Whole Load Just Setting In Her Pussy, She Had Never Eaten Pussy Before, Had Never Even Touched another woman’s Pussy And really She Was Not Eating Pussy As Much as She Just wanted To Suck The Cum Out Of It. Jill Was Lying On Her Back With her Legs Spread, Kelly Crawled Between Them And Dipped Her Face Towards The Young Girls Pussy, The smell was Not Nothing Like she expected, it was A Good Smell. She Then Touched Her Tongue To The Young Girls Pussy, What Amazed Her Was That There was No Hair Like Her Own Pussy, The Taste Was Pretty Good She Thought, Not as Good as The Big Dick She Had Sucked On But Still Good, As She Started To Eat She Started To Taste Joes Cum, It Was Even Better Mixed With Jill’s Pussy Juices, Kind Of A Sweet And Salty Mix, She Could Have stayed There All Night Between The Young Girls Legs, But then Jill Started To Cum, And She was Cumming Just Like a Man, Kelly Drank As Much As She Could. But So Much Just Washed Out, She Rolled Over On Her Back Laying There, Totally Spent, Rebecca Came Over And Kissed Her Then Started Licking Her Face, She Looked Over And Earl And Joe Were Sound asleep, Jill Was Also Sleeping As Well, Rebecca Helped Kelly Up And said Lets Go And Take a Shower And Clean Up, After They Got Into the Bathroom Kelly Noticed That Rebecca Also Didn’t Have any Hair On Her Pussy, She ask Her About It, Rebecca Said I Keep It Shaved Off, Its Cooler In The Summer, And A Bald Pussy Is Better To Eat Than a Hairy One, Joe Or Earl Want Go Down On A Hairy Pussy, Kelly Said Maybe I Ought To Shave Mine, I Really Like The Look And After Eating Jill’s Pussy I Can Understand Now, Rebecca Said She would Be Happy to Shave It for Her, She Said Here Jump Up On The Vanity, Spread Your Legs While Get The Scissors And Razor Out, Kelly Did As She was Told, First Rebecca Used Scissors To Cut Her Public Hair Real Short, Then She Applied shaving Cream And started Shaving, When She Got All The Hair Removed, She Reached Down And Gave It A Few Licks, She Then Started the shower And Both Women Got In, The warm Water Felt Good On Her Body, Kelly Started Soaping Her Up, She Worked Her Soapy Fingers In Kelly Pussy, Then She Took Her Other Hand
And Worked A Finger Up Kelly ass, That Drove Kelly Right Over The Edge, She Had A Knee Buckling Orgasm, Rebecca Held Her Up Till She Could Stand On Her On, Then Kelly Started Soaping up Rebecca, As She Slipped Her Fingers Into Rebecca Pussy She Started To Hump Kelly Hand, Kelly Did What Rebecca Did to Her, She Reached around And Slipped a Finger Into Rebecca Ass Hole, When Rebecca Orgasmic She Had Cum Running Down Her Leg, When Kelly Saw This She Knelt Down And started Sucking On Rebecca Pussy, O So Sweet, After They Got Out Of The Shower, Dried Off And Put Baby Powder Over Each Others Body, They Went And Laid Down On Rebecca s Bed, Rebecca Leaned Over To Her Bedside Table, took Out A Pack Of Cigarettes, She Offered Kelly One, Kelly Started To Say No, But She Had Not Had One In A While, She Was Really Craving One And Hers Was Back In Her Bedroom And She Was Just To Tired To Go And Get Them, So She Took One, Rebecca Lighted Both Of There Cigarettes, They Set There And smoked, When They Finished Rebecca Took Kelly s Cigarette And Put It Out In The Ash Tray Beside The Bed Then Hers, She Reached Over And Gave Kelly A Deep Kiss, They Curled Of Together And Went To Sleep. The Next Morning She Woke Up, a Little Sore But Still She Felt Good, She Walked Into The Living Room, Still Naked, Earl Was Up And Getting dressed, She Looked At Him And ask Where He Was Going, He Said I Need To Pick Up Your Part And Git Your Car Going, Kelly Noticed That He Had A Hard on As All He Had On Was His Underwear, Kelly Looked At It Licked Her Lips And Decided That She Really Needed To Help Him Out, It Wouldn’t Be A Good Thing To Work Around Machinery, What If He Got That Magnificent Dick Caught In Something, She Would Have To Take Care Of This For Safety Sake, She Walked Over To Earl, Keeled Down, Reached In And Pulled Out His Dick Then Started Sucking Him Off, She Must Have Been Getting Better Because After A Few Minutes He Blew His Load Right Into Her Mouth. After He Pulled His Now Limp Dick Out Of Her Mouth And Started To Get Dressed, Jill Walked Over And Started Kissing Kelly, She Was Sticking Her Tongue Into Kelly s Mouth Trying To Get As Much Of The Cum Out She Could, Joe Ten Woke Up And Came Over To The Two Girls, He Started To Play With There Tits, Kelly Got To Thinking, Joe Had Not Fucked Her And She Really Wanted To Feel That Monster Dick He Had In Her Pussy, She Told Joe She Wanted Him To Fuck Her, He Said You Will Need To Be Repaired First, Jill Said I Will Get Her Ready, She Pushed Kelly Back On The Floor And Crawled Between Her Legs And Started Eating Her Pussy, While She Was Eating Her Pussy Joe Came Over And started Feeding Her Hid Dick, She Started Taking It Down Her Throat, She Felt The Waves Coming Over Her As Her Orgasm Was Building, Just Before She Came Jill Backed Off And Said She Is Ready, Joe Pulled His Dick Out Of Her Mouth, Picked Her Up, Bent Her Over The Arm Of The Couch And Slipped Hid Dick Right Into Her Pussy, He Was Pumping Into Her With Slow Deep Strokes, She Had Never Felt so Full In Her Life, But It Felt So Good, While He Was Fucking Her He Reached Down And Slipped A Finger Into Her Ass, That Sent Her Right Over The Edge, She Had Never Cum So Hard, Joe Yelled Damn Girl You Are About To Break My Dick, He Pulled Out, Spun Kelly Around And Stuck His Dick Right Into Her Mouth, After a Few Minutes He Blew His Load Right Into Her Mouth, She Was In Heaven, Her Pussy Never Felt Better, She Had Gotten Two Loads Of Cum For Breakfast And The Morning Was Still Young, About That Time Rebecca Stuck Her Head Around the Corner And said Coffee Is Ready, So The Three Of Them Went Into The Dining room, Had Coffee, Smoked Cigarettes And Just Set around Talking All Of Them Still Naked, The Phone Rang, Rebecca Answered, Talked a Few Minutes Then Hung Up The Phone, She Said That It Was Earl And He Had Kelly s Car Ready To Go. The Four Of Them all Piled Into The Shower, All Four Got Each Other Off One More Time, Kelly Got Dressed And Rebecca Run Her Back To The Shop To Pick Up Her Car, As Kelly was About to Pull Out Rebecca Walked Over To Her, Gave Her A Deep Kiss, Took Kelly s Hand And Stuck It Down The Front Of Her Shorts, Kelly Stuck A Finger In Rebecca s Pussy, Pulled It Out And Stuck It Into Her Mouth, She Tanked Her For The Good Time, She Got Into Her Car And Pulled Out Heading On To The Antique Festal, As She Drove Away She was Not sure Which she Preferred Now, Dick Or Pussy, One Thing She did Know, She Would Never Turn Any One Down Ever Again, Another Thing She also Knew, When She Got Home, Her Lips Would Be Wrapped Around Bills Dick all The Time