The Voices in my Head part 2

Teenagers doing what teenagers do

The Voices in my Head 2

I spent hours in a long silent conversation with Searcher. I was apologizing for taking up their time when I knew they were busy with repairs. I learned that time as I thought of it was an an entirely different concept to them. By my clock, the repairs would take years and my infrequent requests were considered a mild diversion. They had the benefit of being hidden safely in a cooperative host, the very least they could do was to keep their host happy. They had only one request, that I not directly kill anyone using their aid. Self defense was alright, of course.

I headed out to the mall that afternoon, mostly curious as to what I could do with the help of Searcher. Since it was Saturday, the mall was crowded. I took a table in the food court, intending on having a late lunch. There was a cute little brunet at the register of a burger place. After a brief conversation with Searcher, she walked out to my table. I’d been assured she would do anything I asked of her.

Her name tag said ‘Jill’, she was just five feet tall, with impressive breasts, a narrow waist and slim hips, out of proportion with the rest of her. Her heart shaped face, full lips, button nose, and soft brown eyes were framed by a spill of auburn hair. All in all, quite an attractive package.

“You find me attractive, Jill.” I said, “Show me your tits.”

She turned slightly, blocking the view of most of the patrons. She pulled up her her shirt, catching the lower edge of her bra on the way. Her breasts bounced free, possibly thirty eight D’s. I admired them for a moment before ordering a double bacon cheeseburger, large fries and a drink, asking for everything to be oversize because I was broke and would not be paying. She smiled as she tucked her breasts back into her bra and straightened her shirt.

“Right away.” she said, returning to the counter to pass my order to the kitchen area.

While I waited, I looked around at the other customers, the next table over held a couple in their twenties. With Searcher’s aid, I learned they were coworkers in one of the mall clothing stores, found each other mildly attractive, and frequently had lunch together. I took control of them. For the next two hours they would be passionately in love with each other, highly aroused and willing to take ridiculous chances to engage in loud violent sex. At the end of the two hours they would be back to normal with no memory of the time they would spend together. They each locked their eyes on the other, breathing heavily. He reached under the table, rubbing her crotch. She was working his prick out of his pants. Suddenly without a word they jumped up, looking frantically around the food court. She grabbed his hand and they all but ran to the restrooms. I chuckled softly, wondering how they would explain their actions.

Jill brought my lunch to me. A few quick questions revealed that she got off in about ten minutes, her relief was already here and she would be happy to get a ride home with me. I told her to go clock out and bring her panties to me. When she came back she handed me a wadded up pair of panties, still warm from her body heat. She was blushing slightly. I held them to my nose sniffing her aroma. Her blush deepened. I had her sit across from me while I straightened her panties, a pale blue silky material, and held them up to admire. Her face was blazing red as she tried to pretend we weren’t together. I tucked them in my pocket, and went back to eating.

One of the mall security people came in walking fast, he stopped to speak briefly with one of the managers and they disappeared down the short hall to the restrooms. A moment later the manager came out and made a quick phone call. I thought that this might get interesting. I told Jill to get herself something to drink and come back. She’d just returned with a large cup of soda when two policemen ran into the food court. The mall cop waved them over and they all disappeared down the hall. Jill sat quietly, sipping her soda, I absently told her to rub her pussy. One hand went under the table and she started breathing faster. The manager came out fished a large key ring from behind a counter and went back down the hall, sorting through the keys A few moments passed, everyone in the food court was focused on that hallway.

The manager reappeared, borrowing a couple of the long white coats the deli people wore and a lady police officer ran into the food court. They both went down the hall. A few more moments passed. The officers walked the couple out, dressed in the white coats and in handcuffs. The two kept trying to rub up against each other. The cops kept pulling them apart. A few moments later they were gone.

I turned back to Jill, she was breathing hard, moaning softly. I told her she could stop and we walked out to my car, I opened the door and handed her in.

“Who are you?” she asked her brows in a frown.

“You don’t need to worry about that.” I said, “You’re in love with me.”

Her brow relaxed and she cuddled under my arm as I drove out of the mall parking lot, fondling her breast.

“Where’s a good place to have sex at this time of day?” I asked.

She glanced at the dash clock, thought for a moment and suggested her house as her parents wouldn’t be home till late. I followed her directions, pulling into one side of the wide driveway leading to a two car garage. She led me by the hand inside and up to her bedroom. Once there I had her strip for me, revealing those impressive breasts. Her pussy was shaved and smooth, her hips were toned and tight with no sign of flab. I saw a row of trophies on a shelf, about evenly divided between running and dance.

“Tell me about your trophies.” I said, stepping behind her and fondling her breasts.

“These were for dance competitions, I took ballet lessons for years until my tits got too big.” she said, gasping as I pinched her nipples, “and the rest are for track and marathons, but my tits got even bigger until running started to hurt.”

“You must have a lot of boy friends with tits like these.” I commented, squeezing her breasts.

“Oh, no,” she replied, “daddy says I can’t date until I’m twenty.”

“That’s okay,” I said, “this isn’t a date, were just going to fuck till you can’t walk.”

“Really?” she said happily, “I’ve never done that before.”

“Never fucked?” I asked, incredulous, “why not?”

“Daddy says it’s a sin before I get married.” she said between gasps, “He even has the doctor check to make sure I’m still a virgin every month.”

“Really?”, I commented, “your dad sounds like an asshole.”

I slid a hand down her tight belly, running a finger through her slit, stroking gently. We played twenty questions for a while. She would carefully masturbate several times a week, but only with her fingers. She enjoyed the way I was fingering her slit, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Her legs were getting rubbery, she had to catch herself several times to keep from falling. I spun the chair out from under her desk, pulling her naked body onto my lap.

“Are you going to put your thing in my butt now?” she asked, wiggling her ass on my lap.

“What?” I almost yelped, hardly believing what I had heard.

“Are you going to put your thing in my butt?” she repeated, “That’s what daddy does every Tuesday and Thursday when mom goes to choir practice.”

What the hell had I stumbled into, here? More questions brought out details. Her father had been fucking her ass twice a week, sometimes more, since she was twelve as a special secret daddy-daughter thing. As far as she knew, everyone did it, but never talked about it as it was a secret. It had hurt a little the first few times, but not any more. She told me that sometimes it felt good, but most of the time it was just something they did, like exercising.

I stood her up and walked her to her bed. I had her undress me. She was fascinated by my prick, looking it over and stroking it slightly as she turned it this way and that in her examination. I bent down and kissed her. Her response was childlike reminding me of kissing my cousin on a dare when we were eleven. I coached her gently, and soon we were stretched out on her bed, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies. I fingered her pussy, careful not to put pressure on her hymen, while I sucked on her nipples, nibbling gently from time to time.

She was getting more aroused, moaning and gasping, humping against my hand. I fingered her clit, rubbing in small circles.

“I want . . . something . . .” she gasped out, “oh, God, this is so . . . feels so . . . good.”

Her last word came out in a rising squeal as she arched her back, rigid in her orgasm. As she slowly relaxed, catching her breath, I stroked her body.

“That was so much better than when I do it to myself,” she panted, “how did you do that?”

“That’s just the beginning.” I told her.

I kissed her for a while, she was a fast learner, kissing almost as well as Sandi did. I moved down, kissing her neck, her breasts, and down her belly until my tongue slipped into her slit, tasting her juices as she began to hump against my face. She was quickly approaching another orgasm, gasping and mewling. I glanced up watching her maul her tits and pinch and pull her nipples. I transferred my attention to her clit, running my tongue around it, applying almost no pressure, I took her clit in my teeth, letting them scrape lightly over the surface the giving it a gentle nip. With a wordless squeal, she came again, thrashing on the bed.

I spread her legs wide, holding her ankles as I knee walked up to her. I had her position my prick in the fleshy folds of her pussy, pressing in gently till I felt the fragile barrier of her hymen. I pushed her legs over her a little more, leaving her completely open to me. With one hard thrust I buried my prick in her pussy. She yelped, but was so aroused, her yelp transformed into moan of pleasure almost at once.

“I feel so full.” she gasped as I started to pump into her at a steady pace. Her moans quckly climbed the scale until she shrieked out her orgasm. I kept pumping evenly into her tight pussy, watching her breasts quiver each time my hips slammed against her. She was rapidly climbing to another orgasm, glassy eyed, insensate to everything except the mounting pleasure in her pussy. She was screaming her release when I heard voices calling for her from downstairs. I stopped moving, so I could deal with her parents, but Jill kept trying to lift her pussy to my prick, craving even more stimulation.

“Searcher! A little help please.” I called silently. “Two subjects, near proximity, give me full control.”

“You have control.” said a calm voice.

Her parents burst into the room, her father looked angry and her mother looked concerned.

“Stop!” I commanded, “Silence!”

The stopped and stood there, silent, but if looks could kill, I’d have been a pile of ashes by now. It was perfectly clear what Jill and I had been doing, after all they could see I was balls deep into her, till recently, virgin pussy. Jill turned her head, seeing them, but not reacting to them yet.

“Ignore them, Jill.” I said quietly to her.

Jill returned her focus to me as I let her legs down, allowing her more movement. She humped against me, mindlessly working toward another orgasm.

“You will both answer my questions truthfully.” I said, “Elaborating to make your answers clear and complete.”

They nodded, still looking daggers at me.

“You are Jill’s parents? I asked.

Her father said yes, but her mother hesitated. A few more questions established that her father had been a vacuum cleaner salesman that had seduced her mother soon after they were married, but her father didn’t know about the incident. Her father admitted he had been fucking her ass for years. Her mother was no prize either, having joined the church choir to get laid by the choir director after every practice. Between themselves, they made love two or three times a week. Her father thought of Jill as his property, to do with as he pleased until she married but insisted she go to her marriage bed as a virgin. Her mother felt it was her right to have sex with whoever she wanted. I knew such things happened, but these two disgusted me. I had them stand there watching as I drove Jill to her final screaming orgasm. She collapsed limp on her bed. I kept fucking her unconscious body till I came. I pulled my prick out of her releasing a spill of my cum and her juices, with a little blood to puddle under her ass.

Jill’s mother was a trim woman, an inch or so shorter than her daughter and could almost pass as a teenager herself. I had her strip, revealing a nice pair of breasts, slightly smaller than Jill’s, the same slender waist, and slightly broader mature hips. Her pussy hair was trimmed into a small triangle pointing down between her legs. I had her suck my prick clean of her daughters juices and my cum. I directed them to go to their room and do a sixty nine until I told them to stop.

I pulled a blanket over Jill and sat with her until she regained consciousness. I carefully instructed her, having her forget all about me and what we’d done the next time she stepped out of her room. I erased all memory of her fathers long abuse telling her to scream bloody hell if he ever touched her in a sexual way. I told her to sleep till morning. She dropped into a deep sleep at once. I dressed and left the room.

Jill’s parents were rutting away on their bed. They had apparently been switching back and forth as to who would be on top. His face was covered with her juices and hers was covered in his cum. I had been considering what to do with them, every thing from suicide to actively trying to fuck each other to death. Jill, despite her bizarre home life, was a sweet girl and deserved better than them as they were. I finally decided to fix the situation rather than punish them.

I essentially programmed them in to be like Ward and June Cleaver from the old TV sitcom, Leave it to Beaver. Neither would ever seek or accept sexual relations with anyone but each other. When they did have sex, Jill would be asleep or out of the house. They would use only the missionary position, being as quiet as possible. They would be supportive of their daughter, acknowledging that she was nearly an adult and her life was her own. They would allow her to go on dates, have a boyfriend, and if she chose to entertain a friend in her room they would ignore what was going on in there. This last item left the door open if I ever wanted to have another go at Jill.

I told them to fuck each other into unconsciousness then forget all about me and what they’d seen. As I walked out her father was already pounding his wife for all he was worth. I let myself out, pausing to gaze into the clear, star filled sky, thinking of that line from the Spider-man movie: ‘With great power comes great responsibility’, or great fun I added to myself. I drove home.

The Voices in my Head 4

Sunday dawned warm and clear with a promise of a hot day. A few quick phone calls and a day at the lake was planned. Peter and Becky would take care of food and drinks. I would pick up Sandi and them and we’d be on our way. When I got to Sandi’s house, something felt mildly off. She didn’t come running out like before, but stood in the door waving me to her. I got out, and made my way up the walk. Just as I reached her Sandi stepped out to me, but dodged the kiss I tried to give her.

“Daddy wants to meet you.” she said softly.

She held the door and walked me into their living room. Mr. Fowler was a bulldog of a man, about five foot ten, heavily muscled and no discernible neck. He looked like the kind of guy a professional fighter would choose for a body guard. He was standing by the fireplace, waiting, softly pounding a clenched fist on the mantle. His face seemed to be set in a permanent scowl. I decided to put the best face on the situation I could.

“Good morning, sir,” I said stepping toward him with a hand out to shake, “my name is John Stevens.”

“John,” he growled, looking me up and down.

“Yes, sir” I managed.

His hand shot out like a striking snake, taking mine with surprising gentleness to shake hands.

“Where are you taking my little girl today, John?” he growled.

“Uh, I was planning to take Sandi and another couple up to the lake for the day.” I replied, hoping I didn’t sound as nervous as I felt.

“Daddy,” Sandi said reproachfully, “be nice. John is the guy that showed me the shooting stars the other night.”

Mr. Fowler seemed to deflate, and in a voice almost two octaves higher, apologized. He just felt protective of his daughter, having raised her alone from the age of five. After a few pleasantries, he shooed us out, waving from the porch as we drove away. Sandi sat primly next to the passenger door until we turned, out of sight from the house. She slid over, cuddling under my arm, placing my right hand firmly on her breast.

“Your dad’s a little scary,” I said, “what does he do? Juggle Mack trucks?”

“No, silly,” she giggled, “Believe it or not, he’s the choir director at our church. He has a nice tenor voice and teaches Sunday school to seven and eight year old kids. He’s also the churches youth councilor.”

I asked a few more questions, establishing, to myself, that he was Jill’s mother’s lover two nights a week. That would be ended at Tuesday’s practice. I hoped he never found out I was the one that spoiled his after practice fun. Sandi fiddled with the radio, finding a channel she liked as we pulled up to Peter’s. He and Becky loaded ice chests into the trunk and we were on our way. The conversation centered around the odd goings on at the mall yesterday. While there were plenty of witnesses, none of them knew what had happened down that hall. The couple had no recollection of anything between ordering lunch and regaining their sanity in the police station. The security cameras were useless in the investigation, being pointed at cash registers and and in the money room where all the vendors got their change and made daily deposits. Becky thought it was an elaborate prank while Peter just looked at me thoughtfully.

Once at the lake I drove carefully down a dirt track to a secluded little cove that nobody seemed to know about. Peter and I had found it while hiking around the lake a couple of years ago. We checked on the raft we’d built, deciding it was safe enough. We pushed it out, tethering it to a tree near the shore. Peter and I worn our trunks under our clothes, Becky pulled off her swim wrap, showing off her new two piece suit. My breath caught in my throat, her breasts were much larger than Jill’s. Where the heck did she hide them on a day to day basis? Sandi shed her shorts and top, revealing a tiny bikini, little more than string and a few square inches of fabric. I let out a low whistle, she was stunning. Sandi blushed and grinned.

“Daddy doesn’t know about this suit.” she said with a giggle, pulling an old fashioned one piece suit out of her bag, “This is what he thinks I’m wearing.”

Peter stood there with his jaw hanging open until Becky elbowed him in the ribs. We all laughed. Sandy dipped her one piece suit in a semi stagnant backwater, leaving it spread across the roof of the car to dry, explaining that if her father did the laundry, he would see that suit, the one she wore, she would wash when he was out.

We swam and played in the water till noon or so then went back to the gravely beach for sandwiches and sodas. We lounged on the blankets we’d brought for a while then swam some more. A cool wind had come up, forcing us back out of the water. Peter and I pulled the raft up onto the shore while the girls gathered dead wood for a fire. Tall mountains west of the lake meant the sun would be down fairly early. With the fire burning high, we toasted marshmallows and talked quietly wrapped in towels to ward off the chill. I told them about the ‘mountain lion’ my father had heard, sending Peter into roars of laughter while Becky blushed furiously. When things quieted down a bit, Sandi twisted around under my arm, raising her face for a kiss. Across the fire it looked like small animals were crawling under Becky’s swim wrap as Peter groped her breasts. I pulled Sandi’s top up to expose her breasts, laying her back on the blanket as I sucked he nipples to erection. I vaguely recalled seeing Peter and Becky laying down as well, then forgot about them while I concentrated on Sandi.

I sucked her nipples, caressing her smooth skin as her breath came faster. She was rubbing my prick through my trunks while she lifted her breasts to my mouth. She made an odd little wiggling movement and a moment later I found that she had shed the bottom of her bikini. I fingered her for a moment to her soft moans then slid down to lick her pussy and clit. Her moans got louder as I licked as deep as I could, and lapped at her clit. I reached up to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples. She suddenly was pulling me back up her body.

“Do it, John!” she hissed, “put it in me, now!”

I slipped my prick into her pussy, marveling at the firm warm grip she had on me. I held my weight off her as she rolled her hips up and back. Her pussy seemed to be pulling at my prick, milking me. She locked her mouth on mine to muffle her moaning. She wrapped her legs around me pulling me deep into her as she spasmed and squealed into my mouth. After a moment she relaxed, laying limply under me, breathing hard. She grinned, nodding across the fire where Becky had straddled Peter and was riding him like a jockey while she moaned through clenched teeth. We cuddled, spoon fashion, watching our friends enjoying themselves. My prick began to harden between the cheeks of her ass. She turned her head to me, and asked me in a whisper if I had ever thought of doing anal sex.

“I’ve thought about it, but isn’t it supposed to be painful?” I whispered back.

“Not now,” she replied, “we don’t have any Vaseline or oil, but I’ve talked to girls who said they liked it.”

she wiggled her ass against my prick, lifting a leg to let it slide along her pussy lips. She worked her ass, not trying to fuck again, but just for a little pleasure. I toyed with her breasts, watching Becky until she collapsed on Peter’s chest. A while later we dressed, packed up the car, dowsed the fire and made our way back to the road to head home.

Once on the road, Sandi was hanging over the seat, whispering with Becky. Peter was half asleep and I had to concentrate on the road so I couldn’t follow what they were saying. With no warning Sandi slithered over the seat into the back, Becky clambered over to sit with me, pulling my arm around her shoulder and holding my hand to a bare breast. I was so surprised I almost ran us into the ditch along the road.

“What the hell, Becky,” I yelped, “are you trying to wreck us?”

she shushed me, snuggling close and pulling my hand back to her breast. I felt her stiff nipple as she sighed in contentment. She reached over slowly so as not to startle me, and began to rub my prick. Sandi had told her how I had been watching her breasts as she fucked Peter and how she knew the sight had excited me.

“But you’re with Peter,” I said softly, “I’m not going screw my best friend over like that.”

“We’ve been friends forever,” she said, “and I already talked it over with Peter. He thinks Sandi is the hottest thing since fire house chili. Take a look in the back.”

I shifted the mirror slightly, and waited for a pair of oncoming headlights to glance back. Sandy had straddled Peter’s lap, her top missing as he mauled her breast while she was kissing him. I tweaked Becky’s nipple, thinking I could always make a few adjustments if necessary.

“Do wish us to make adjustments in the attraction matrix.”the voice said in my head.

“No, let it be for now.” I thought back.

“Sandi said you guys were talking about anal sex.” Becky went on, “but you were afraid you’d hurt her.”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, “I don’t want to take that chance.”

“You need a coach,” she said, “and some training. You work the afternoon tomorrow, right?

“Yeah,” I said, drawing out the word.

“Stay home tomorrow morning.” she said.

She lay down with her head on my thigh. She was working my prick out of my pants, leaving no drought what she had in mind. With a sigh, I tilted the steering wheel up to give her more room. She sucked my prick gently, not trying to get me off, but it sure felt good. Several miles later she tucked me back into my shorts, and sat up putting my hand back on her breast. As we came into town, Becky retrieved the top of her bathing suit setting herself to rights. Sandi had hers back on and was struggling into the top she’d worn this morning.

We went to Becky’s first, she kissed me quickly and And Peter more thoroughly, jumped out ran up to her door, waving as I drove away. Normally I’d drop Peter off next, but it was getting late and I didn’t want Sandi’s father mad at me, so we went to her house. I walked her up to the door.

“Mad at me?” she asked, looking a little worried.

“No, but you could have warned me,” I said, kissing her, “I almost killed us all when Becky sprang that on me.”

“It’ll be okay.” she said as she slipped through the door.

I walked slowly back to the car, shaking my head. Peter had gotten into the front seat while I’d walked Sandi up to her door.

“What the actual fuck, dude?” he said as I pulled away from the curb.

“I don’t know, man,” I said, “but I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

“Word.” he replied

At Peter’s, I helped him unload and drain the ice chests, grabbed a last soda for my self and drove slowly home. My mind whirling with what had happened on the way back from the lake. I thought briefly of having Peter come over in the morning, but it didn’t feel like a good idea. I spent a restless night, full of erotic dreams.