Three Easy Steps to Sodomize a Cheerleader

Do you want to know the secret to winning a woman’s heart?
It’s not about six pack abs or the size of your biceps. It’s about making her believe that you are exactly what she’s been looking for. You are her one shot at fulfillment and the only thing she’ll ever need.
You need to make sure she knows that you will become everything she has ever wanted, as soon as she bends over.

“Today is going to be a great day,” I said to myself. I couldn’t quite explain why, but I just had a feeling that lady luck was on my side. Of course, that feeling dulled a bit, when I parked my car on the street, stepped out into the fresh air and felt my foot sink into ankle-deep mud.

Despite that, I still kept a smile on my face. “Today will be alright,” I insisted. “The birds are singing, the sun is shining and the rain has stopped. I don’t have any reason to feel bad.”

And then, naturally, life gave me a reason, in the form of a pickup truck rolling through a puddle and soaking me from head to toe.


Starting to feel like my gut wasn’t as trustworthy as I had first assumed, I carefully approached my apartment building, completely drenched and worried that a piano could fall on me, at any minute.

It wasn’t my body that got crushed, though, it was my spirit, when an impossibly hot redhead suddenly walked out of the front entrance.

“Fuck!” I hid behind my car, just in time to get splashed by yet another passing vehicle, but by that point it just didn’t surprise me, and I was more concerned with not embarrassing myself in front of a pretty girl, than I was with protecting my already filthy clothes.

Her name was Amy. I didn’t know much about her, yet, but between her long fiery hair, full lips and breasts that seemed perpetually on the verge of bursting out of her shirt, I had plenty of reasons to get to know her.

“Lewis! Lewis!” she called out, cupping her hands into a megaphone. “Ugh, where is he?”

I suddenly saw the chance to introduce myself, maybe by casually asking who she was looking for and offering to help, but I didn’t think there was any way I could do it, while I was muddy and soaked.

“Excuse me!” she called out to a passerby. “Have you seen a little rabbit? He’s completely white, so he’s easy to spot.”

“No, I haven’t seen him,” said the random pedestrian, but I, on the other hand, found exactly where the rabbit was, once I saw a tiny white puffball sprint beneath my car.

I looked under the frame and saw the little guy hiding from storm clouds overhead, and this left me with the choice of either being a hero, even though I was covered in shit, or going home and not risking embarrassment.

And this leads us to the first thing I managed to do right, that day:

Step #1: There will never be a perfect moment, so make your move, already.

I took a deep breath, summoned every ounce of courage I had and reached underneath the car, careful not to scare the animal away.

However, before I could grab it, someone else grabbed Lewis by his back legs and hauled him out.

“Hey, you found my rabbit,” I said, choosing to lie through my teeth, until I realized that I knew the guy who was holding him.

“Since when do you have a rabbit?” Tony asked.

“I’ve always had one.”

“Really? So, this thing belongs to you, and not that hot cheerleader standing over there?” he asked me, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I honestly hadn’t known she was a cheerleader, I didn’t even know her name yet, but I certainly wanted to know it, after learning that.

Meanwhile, the rabbit struggled to get away from Tony, as he continued to grip it like a hunk of meat.

“Dude, every guy wants to get into Amy’s pants,” he told me, “But she only goes for guys that are attractive, wealthy or both. You’re neither.”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I just want my rabbit back,” I told him, once again, before suddenly thinking of an idea. “In fact, I can prove it to you. I have his cage and all of his other stuff in my trunk.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Come and see.”

The two of us walked around to the back of my car and…Well…

Ok, I’ll be honest. I’m not proud of what happened next and I certainly don’t want you intertwining it with the rest of my advice, so I’ll just skip most of it.

Suffice to say that Tony, who was always a dick, was politely convinced to let me bring the rabbit to Amy, instead of him. We can just continue the story from there and skip the part where he may or may not have ended up locked in the trunk of my car.

“You found Lewis!” called Amy, so excited that she ran up to hug me, before seeing how soaked I was. However, her expression quickly turned from disgust to concern, as she looked at me and asked, “Did you dive into the wet street to save him?”

Here’s my next tidbit, for you:

Step #2: Go with the flow.

“Yes. I dived into the mud to save his life.”

“Oh, you poor thing.” Her voice was choked and sad. “Thank you so much for saving him. Come back to my apartment and I can help you get dried off.”

“That would be fantastic.”

I stepped away from the curb just in time to see another vehicle splash a pedestrian, but, this time, it wasn’t me.

“The universe will pay you back,” I said to the poor girl, helping her pick up her soaked textbooks, before following Amy inside.

“I think my ex-boyfriend left some of his clothes here,” she told me. “You can wear those, while I put yours in the dryer.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Before taking off my shirt, I made sure to stop over by her window and use my car’s remote to pop the trunk open. I meant to move on and forget about it, but seeing Tony climb out and start angrily chucking random shit from my trunk brought a smile to my face.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing,” I told her.

“I suppose I should have told you my name before I invited you into my house. I’m-”

“Amy, right?”

She looked confused.

“You’re the cheerleader that every guy on campus drools over. There’s no way I wouldn’t know who you were,” I said, clearly lying, but she was far too flattered to question me. “Amy, everyone knows who you are.”

Her face turned bright red, but she did nothing to deny it. “I’m not sure what makes men so attracted to me. I guess I must have a great personality,” she said, as her massive personality bounced beneath her shirt.

“I guess so.”

“What about you? What’s your name?”

“I’m Quinton.”

“Quinton? Really?” she asked, chuckling.

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” I grabbed the spare clothes out of her hands and headed straight for the bathroom, suddenly regretting ever stepping foot inside that apartment.

I had to admit though, it felt nice to peel off those wet clothes. However, afterwards I realized that none of the clothes she brought were going to fit.

“Figures she dates huge guys,” I said, pulling at the shirt’s neck hole. “I could fit my waist through here.”

“Hey, Quinton?” I heard Amy say, from the other side of the bathroom door.


“I’m sorry for laughing at your name.”

I didn’t quite know what to make of that, so I just told her, “Ok. Thanks.”

“Was I being a bitch?”

“No?” If there was a better way to respond to that question, I certainly never saw it.

“It’s just that people always say things about me behind my back, like that I’m stuck up, and the last thing I want to do is prove them right.”

All of my words suddenly escaped me. I think we must have sat in awkward silence for at least a full minute, with just that thin wooden door between us.

When you see someone you’ve wanted for so long and you finally get close to them, you expect for something to go wrong or for you to fuck it up. What you never expect is for them to suddenly become painfully human.

I guess that brings us to the last piece of advice, right before the big moment. I took off the shirt that was six sizes too big and tossed it aside, before opening up the door:

Step #3: Confidence is sexier than six pack abs, a genius IQ or whatever it is that you think you’re lacking.

“I’ll be honest,” I told Amy, looking her in the eyes, as she looked me up and down. “I didn’t think that you were much more than a pretty face, when I walked in here, but if you’re that worried about what I think of you, then you must be a pretty decent person.”

I put one finger beneath her chin, lifting her face up to mine, and soon our lips were pressed together.

She tasted sweet.

“I met you fifteen minutes ago,” she said, pulling away, but staying within inches of my lips.

“I knew my last girlfriend for fifteen months, and that still went down in flames.”

My hands slid down to her thick hips and every ounce of hesitation was gone. Amy was mine and I was hers, with no more issues, halts or questions.

“Oh, fuck,” she cried out, as her back slammed into the wall. Her arms were wrapped around my neck, and my hands held on to her more than ample butt. The jeans she wore seemed to barely cover it, and the denim was on the verge of breaking, just the same as her cotton t-shirt.

Meanwhile, one of her hands slid down my chest and past my stomach, before finding its target. The one good thing about her ex’s clothes being enormous, was that her fingers had no trouble slipping down my pants.

“You like that?” she asked me, though she already knew the answer. It was clear that she could read me like an open book, and she knew how much I wanted her.

I was already hard as stone before she slid her hand down to my manhood, but the feeling of her soft fingers wrapping around me only made me grow longer and thicker in her hand.

Slowly, she drew her hand back and forth, as my oversized jeans completely fell off, leaving me stark naked and pressed up against her.

“Goddamn, you’re good at that.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Amy said, jerking my cock until precum started to stain her clothing.

“We don’t want to ruin your clothes. You should probably get that shirt off,” I told her, feigning concern.

With a wicked grin, she pulled her hand off of my cock, and yanked her shirt up above her head.

I grabbed it and threw it aside, anxious to be rid of every barrier between my body and hers.

“Quinton? You seem distracted.”

She feigned innocence, but she knew exactly what part of her was drawing my attention.

Lucky for me, she was just as excited as I was, so by the time I had the chance to ask her, “Do you want to move over to the couch?” she was already halfway through unhooking her bra.

It hit the ground halfway to the living room, and it was only seconds after I fell down on the couch that she climbed on top of me.

A soft sigh escaped Amy’s lips as I took one of her erect nipples into my mouth. The rest of her skin was just as soft and supple as her breasts, and I made it my mission to explore every inch.

I started at her right breast, sucking on it, deeply, before moving on the left. From there, I kissed my way up to her neck, leaving a trail of red markings leading up to her lips. After that, I came back down, letting my tongue and my fingers find their way down her stomach and stopping at her jeans.


“Do you want my pants off, sweetie?”

“Right now, I wish pants hadn’t been invented.”

She laughed, but I was way too horny to be ashamed of my own bad one-liner. Instead, I was fixated on the single thin barrier keeping my cock from slipping inside of Amy.

“You look excited,” she said, as my eyes glowed with ecstacy and frustration.

“No, I’m just done with foreplay.”

Her smile disappeared and was replaced with shock, as Amy suddenly found herself bent over the couch.

“Oh, Quinton,” she whispered, barely any breath in her lungs. She’d hardly had time to react, before she was forced into a compromising position, and I could smell her pheromones buzzing as her skin turned hot and her cunt dripped with anticipation.

She knew what was about to happen, and seeing me loom over her trembling body, like a predator about to pounce on its prey, only made her more excited.

“What are you waiting for?”

I think that was what she was going to say. She never got to finish, because, halfway through her sentence I reached out and tore her jeans down the center.

“I’ll buy you another pair,” I quickly said, but she didn’t seem to mind, especially once my tongue found its way inside of her.

“Goddamn!” Amy screamed at the top of her lungs. She tasted even sweeter than before, and once I brought one finger up to tease her aching clit her juices began to run all the way down her thick and tender thighs.

Amy’s whole body seemed to shudder, as my hands caressed her. They moved down her legs and up to her ass, as my tongue explored as far inside of her as it could reach.

However, our moment was suddenly interrupted by knocking and a very concerned voice.

“Amy? Are you ok?”

“Fine,” she called, thinking fast. “Quinton, you have to go.”

“Why? Let’s just go to the bedroom.”

“Well, I… I just…”

Even through her awkward fumbling, I could tell what she meant.

“You don’t want to be seen with me, do you?”

“No, it’s just that my last boyfriend was the first string quarterback and…” She trailed off, scared of how I was going to react.

“I’ll be back for my clothes, later.”

“Perfect,” Amy told me, pushing me towards the balcony. “And once you do, maybe we can pick up where we left off?”

“You know, you really are stuck up.”

That was the last thing I said to her, before hopping off the balcony, wearing nothing more than those oversized jeans.

I didn’t have underwear, a shirt, socks or shoes, and the girl of my dreams had just admitted that I wasn’t good enough to be seen with her.

On the other hand, she was way out of my league and was anxious to fuck me later that night. I guess my life was just full of ups and downs.

I walked across the lawn, having no choice but to ignore the stares of onlookers as I picked up everything Tony had tossed out of my trunk. I had to walk half a block to retrieve my jumper cables.

“Well, at least he didn’t slash my tires.”

Once everything was packed up, I went back to my apartment to change, still mulling over everything, in my head.

Amy was hot and I had no problem with casually hooking up, but the tradeoff was having to keep it secret and knowing that she didn’t want to be seen with me.

On the other hand, I got to take a stuck up bitch and make her beg for me, while I bent her over her couch. Nothing can be more satisfying than that.

“Fuck, I need a drink.”

I pulled into my favorite bar an hour later, now fully clothed, but still conflicted.

However, walking into this bar always made me feel better.

“Quinton!” screamed a loud voice from behind the counter. “How goes the pussy hunt? Are you still looking for the perfect girl?”

“Shut the fuck up and pour me a shot of vodka.”

Two drinks were up on the counter less than thirty seconds later. Lucky for us, the bar was mostly empty and she didn’t have much to do, but I honestly don’t think that a silly thing like customers would have stopped her from drinking on the job.

“So anyway, how’s your sex life?”

“Why is that always your first question?”

Gwen laughed. “Because you always get nervous and turn red, just like you are, right now.”

“Fuck you.”

As much as I wanted to be annoyed, her infectious smile always got to me. It was both the worst and the best thing about her.

“Hey, I need to ask you something.”

“Anything,” she told me.

“I’m involved with this girl-”

“I knew it.”

“Shut up. I’m involved with this girl, but she doesn’t want to be seen with me.”


“Yeah, her last boyfriend was a star quarterback with big muscles and probably a ten inch cock, so she doesn’t want to be seen hanging with me. What would you do?”

“Well, if a girl like that came onto me, I’d say, ‘Sorry, but I’m straight.’”

“Come on. You know what I mean.”

“Alright, let me ask you this. Is there any chance of you falling for this girl? The last thing you want is to catch feelings for a girl who won’t be seen with you.”

I thought back to all the things I loved most about Amy, listing them off in my head, and since not a single one of them was her personality, I had no trouble saying, “There’s no chance of me falling for her.”

“Then go and have fun. Even if you have to sneak out her window once in a while, it’ll be worth it.”

“I guess I’ll go call her, but if she turns out to be more trouble than she’s worth, I’m blaming you.”

“Feel free.” said Gwen. “Oh, and if you see Tony, punch him for me. He got wasted this afternoon and walked out without paying his tab.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, it’s not the first time he’s tried to cheat me, but this time he kept ranting and raving about being locked in a trunk or something. What a crazy bastard.”

“Yup, he sure is crazy. Bye.” I practically ran out the door, but I pulled out my phone, as soon as I got into my car.

One phone call later, I found out that Amy was anxious to see me, and I was certainly anxious to see her.

I still had my reservations, though. My stomach was churning all the way up to her front door. I felt like someone had kicked me in the gut, but the moment her apartment door swung open, all of that disappeared.

“Hey,” she whispered to me, as my eyes roamed across her form. “I’m glad you came back.”

“So am I.”

Amy was wearing her cheerleading uniform, but with a few major adjustments.

“This is from my Freshman year,” she told me, her hands running across her midriff.

“Was it not skanky enough, before?”


She quickly grabbed my collar and pulled me inside, and as soon as the door was closed behind us she was pulling off my shirt.

“So, you really don’t want anyone to see me with you?” I asked, as my hands creeped around to her ass.

“No, I just… I just don’t want people to think…”

“That you’re stuck up?”

My hands slid under her skirt, which barely covered half of her butt, and perfectly showed off her legs.

“I’m not stuck up.”

“Yeah, you kinda are,” I insisted, as my middle finger pushed past her thong and gently started to push into her incredibly tight anus.

“Well, if I am, then why did you come back?”

I chuckled. “Are you kidding? Why would I miss the opportunity to take the most snobby girl I know, and and bend her over as she screams out my name?”

I know she hated herself for it, but she was instantly turned on by my words. I could see it a mile away. Even if she had managed to hide her flushed cheeks or the anxious look in her eyes, the moisture I felt between her legs would have given her away.

“You’re a real jackass.”

“I know. It seems like we deserve each other.”

As the pressure against her grew, to the point that I was on the verge of pushing inside of her, Amy looked at me and said, “I guess we go. Now, fuck me, already.”

All it took was one last nudge, and my finger fully enveloped itself inside of her anus.

As a gasp of shock and pleasure caused her mouth to gape, I pressed my lips against her and let my tongue snake its way into into her.

She never resisted for a moment, only cooing with ecstasy as her body slowly went more and more limp.

Gently, I laid her down on the couch, caressing her and enjoying every moment that my arms spent holding her.

She pulled her underwear away, before I even had the chance, but she stopped before I could take off my pants.

“Grab the lube out of the drawer on the coffee table.”

I did as she commanded, pulling out the plastic bottle, and stripping down in front of her.

As far as I was concerned, this moment was all business. Foreplay was done, and, as soon as I was naked, I poured a thin line down the length of my cock.

I didn’t think anything of my actions, even as my hands rolled up and down the thick shaft of my cock, but when I looked over and saw Amy biting her lip, I suddenly realized that I’d been putting on a show for her, all along.

“You look famished,” I told her, as I sat down on the coffee table. Her breathing only became heavier, as I continued stroking my full length.

“You’re a jackass.”

“Who cares,” I told her, flatly. “You still want my cock.”

Like a starved animal, Amy took my entire engorged member into her mouth, without gagging for even a moment.


Her mouth was too busy being penetrated by my cock to tell for sure, but I think she smiled as her head bobbed up and down.

I sat back and enjoyed the feeling, after tossing away the bottle of lube. Based on the look she had given me, I had no doubt she was wetter than we would ever need.

She pulled back, with a thin strand of saliva and cum hanging between her pouty lips and the head of my cock.


“What do you-”

Before I had the chance to finish my question, I was already on my back.

Amy practically threw me against the couch, and without another moment of tension or foreplay, she climbed onto my lap and brought her entrance down upon my cock.

“That’s fucking thick,” she said, her hands gripping my shoulders and her eyes shut tight.

“Is it too big for you?”

She laughed. “You fucking wish.”

Slowly, she dropped down onto me, taking her sweet time, as my cock forced its way past her inner walls.

Amy seemed determined to take it slow and steady, but that all changed, the moment I lifted her breasts over the top of her skimpy uniform, to suck on her erect nipples.

“Why did you have to do that?” she asked, growing faster.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I just sucked harder, nibbling at her tender pink nipples with my teeth, and driving her into a frenzy.

Soon, she was riding me with a fervor I had never seen, and her breasts had nearly become bruised from the abuse they were enduring.

“You’re driving me crazy!”

Once again, I didn’t answer, and in truth it was only because she was driving me crazy, too. She was a fucking animal, and with her outfit and her incredible tits on top of her phenomenal sex drive, I started to think I was in love.

“I’m almost there,” she said to me, instantly turning me on, even more.

I could feel a pressure growing inside me, but I did everything I could to contain it, or at least slow it down.

“”Fuck, your cock is amazing. I need more.”

That was almost more than I could take, but I stayed strong and held on for dear life, even as I came right up to the edge.

However, Amy’s time came sooner than I thought it would, and soon my cock was being squeezed by the tense muscles of her cunt, as they contracted around me.

“I’m not on the pill,” she said, almost too late, and giving me only a second to lift her away from me.

Jet after jet of my thick cum splattered across the lips of her cunt, drenching the inside of her skirt and painting her thighs in white.

“I’m sorry,” she said to me. “I probably should have mentioned that, earlier.”

“Fuck yeah! You fucking should have!”

“Calm down. I’ll grab a Plan B tomorrow, just in case.”

I finally simmered down, and Amy climbed off of my cock. I was still angry at her, but as I saw her walk to the bathroom with cum dripping down her legs, I couldn’t help but smile.

She didn’t bother to close the door, as she stripped off her outfit and started to clean up.

“My roommate is spending the night with her parents, so you can stay over, if you want.”

“Yeah, I might.”

“Good. You’d better have a second round in you.”

“I’m good to go, whenever you are,” I told Amy, as I walked over and picked the bottle of lube up off the floor.

“Damn, maybe we should…” She trailed off when she saw me in the doorway, and quickly smiled when she realized what I was there for.

“You ready?”

“Fuck yeah,” she said, and that was all the invitation I needed. Amy quickly bent over, leaning over the sink as her thighs continued to drip with my cum. “I should be plenty wet.”

“I’m sure that your pussy is,” I said, holding up the bottle and letting it trickle down onto her butthole.

“Quinton, I… I can’…”

She continued mumbling, but as my middle finger once again found its way into its favorite sheath, any feelings of uncertainty melted away.

“That’s nice,” Amy told me, as my second hand began to rub her neglected clit.

Soon, her own hand took over, and I was free to fondle her gorgeous butt, as my finger kept sliding in and out of her.

However, her anus quickly began to gape to the size of my finger, and I was meeting little resistance.

“This isn’t your first time, is it?”

She shook her head, still consumed by ecstasy.

“Well, let’s see how well prepared you are,” I said, giving her one last warning before brought my throbbing and eager cock against her anus.

She cried out, in an even mixture of pain and pleasure, but she insisted I keep going.

“I can handle it,” Amy told me, but I still stopped every time I heard her cry out.

It was torturous, having to stop and start over and over and over again. All I wanted was to ravage her ass, and I knew I easily could have forced my full length inside.

However, I stayed patient, and soon my cock was fully sheathed inside of Amy’s rectum.

“Do it.”

Despite her words, I stayed still. If I started, there would be no stopping, and if she ended up getting hurt then there was no way we could ever do this again.

Lucky for me, deviant cheerleaders always got their way.

Amy gripped the sink with all her might and continued to rub her aching clit, as she was brutally sodomized.

Cum continued to drip down her legs, and soon sweat did as well. The whole bathroom became steamy and filled with the sounds of wet body parts slamming against one another, as her anus was torn apart.

All the while, she cried out for me to keep going. What had started out as an even mixture of pain and delight, quickly skewed toward enjoyment, and she couldn’t get enough of the feeling of being penetrated deep inside of her bowels.

“I love it,” she said, before cumming for a second time and dripping onto the floor. It forced me to slow down for a moment, when her anus became almost too tight for me to move, but it soon retracted and I came back up to speed, much to her delight

The mirror fogged up soon after, but the sight of the girl smiling as her anus was mercilessly pounded, even without a clear image, was enough to bring me close.

“I can’t… I can’t…” she whispered, borderline incherent. “Just fuck me.”

She looked tired and was soaked in sweat, but she continued to moan in pleasure as I came closer and closer to my end. She looked so beautiful, writhing and in heat, but it was something other than her looks that finally got me.

“I’m addicted to your cock.”

That was the final straw, and moments after she told me that, I was pouring out inside of her, filling her rectum to the brim.

She smiled even wider than before, as the warm liquid filled up her insides, and as my cock finally plopped out of her, sore and wet, liquids poured out instantly.

“Goddamn, you’re amazing.”

“I could say the same to you.”

Amy could barely stand, so I quickly started up a bath and climbed inside, once the water was warm.

I brought her down on top of me, not pussy first, this time. Instead, she laid back against my chest, and the two of us finally gave ourselves a reprieve, letting the hot water soothe our muscles, which were sore from our intense fuck sessions.

“Am I still stuck up?” she asked me.

“Yeah. Am I still a jackass?”


We sat there for a while, and I wasn’t quite sure of what to make of the situation, but as she reached back and pulled my arms around her waist, I suddenly felt better, and didn’t feel the need to think any more about it.