Titcage (Chapter 14)

Claire has been made to take work experience at “Titcage”, a lobby organisation created to degrade women. The work and its requirements are slowly degrading Claire and, in stages, turning her into the kind of slut they want.

Chapter 14

At home she stood in the doorway as her father inspected her crotch. She was wearing the sexy pink satin panties she’d left home in. Her father grunted in approval, but rather than dropping her skirt back down, this time he dipped his fingers under the crotch band of her underwear, and probed into her pussy. Claire gasped in shock and more than a little pleasure, and then blushed as her dad’s fingers came back out wet, dripping with her whore-jam.

‘Take them off and sit on the kitchen bench with your legs spread,’ he said. Claire was still bright red as she climbed up and parted her legs, exposing her wet, nude, snatch. Her father stared at it for a few seconds, and then slapped it with his bare hand.

It hurt. It hurt a lot. And it was also wonderful. Claire had never realised how erotic having her cunt beaten could be. She moaned, and moaned again as her father slapped her pussy again. It felt great. Her father’s palm made wet splatting sounds as it landed on her juicy twat, splattering her fuckhoney over her thighs. She was dimly aware that Steph was watching from the stairs as she moaned louder and louder, and finally orgasmed, and then orgasmed again. On each of the last three spanks to her pussy she came.

When it was done, she felt the shame start to pour through her. She had never contemplated she could be such a whore – that she could show her pussy to her father, that it would be wet, that she would let him hit it, that the pain would make her orgasm. It was the sluttiest most disgusting thing she could imagine.

Her father, for his part, was wiping his hand, now soaked with his daughter’s slut slime, clean on his daughter’s face. Claire just let him coat her cheeks and nose and forehead with her own fuck goo. It was no worse that Jim cumming on her; by now it felt familiar and even affectionate to have sex juices on her face. He scooped handful after handful of love nectar from her quim and wiped it on her until she was completely covered. Then he pushed his fingers into her mouth for her to lick clean.

‘I need to clean up,’ mumbled Claire after she had sucked her father’s fingers clean.

‘No, you don’t,’ said her father. ‘Your friend Ben from school came to visit. He’s upstairs in your room. I did you a favour of not letting him come down to watch you being such a slut just now.’

Ben? Ben was her best male friend from school. What was he doing her? Wait, hadn’t he said he was going to visit over the holidays some day? Claire was still flushed from her orgasms. She knew she looked like a whore who’d just enjoyed a good rape. She needed to clean up. But Steph was already leading her upstairs.

‘It’s my room too,’ her sister was hissing in her ear. ‘I don’t know why you get to have your fuckbuddies up there but I can’t invite a girl. Just because dad knows I suck cunt doesn’t mean you should get all the special attention.’ She pushed Claire through the door to her bedroom, then turned and left her there.

There was Ben – big, blonde, friendly, sitting on her bed. It felt good to see him, but at the same time it was humiliating for him to be seeing her in this state. She and Ben had enjoyed many good times together with their other friends, before this horrible experience at Titcage had begun. She felt almost ready to cry, thinking back on those times, before she’d started being a horny slut all the time.

Ben brightened as he saw her. ‘Claire!’ he said, and extended his arms. Claire awkwardly hugged him, trying to keep her pussy from touching him. She didn’t think she could handle the stimulation of her groin pressing against a boy right now.

Ben hugged her for long minutes, then let her go. He looked at her, and he must have seen and smelled the glisten of sex juices on her face, but he said nothing.

‘Hi Ben,’ said Claire shyly. She knew Ben had always had a crush on her, but Claire didn’t return it. She’d tried not to encourage it either.

‘So how’s your holiday been?’ he asked.

‘Not much of a holiday,’ said Claire, sitting on the bed. ‘I’ve been working at Titcage.’

‘Really?’ said Ben, suddenly interested. ‘I hear they’re pretty… degrading to women there.’

Claire started to deny it, then remembered the requirements of her W grade. She didn’t want to go back to being pissed on by Sluthole.

‘Oh, it’s okay,’ she said. ‘I like it. And I deserve it.’

‘You deserve being degraded?’ asked Ben.

Claire was bright red. No, she didn’t. At least she didn’t want to. But she was stuck with the answer now. ‘Yes,’ she mumbled.

‘Like what kind of stuff do they do to you?’ Ben asked eagerly.

Claire wanted to change the subject. ‘Oh, hey, I got a new book, let me show it to you,’ she said. She jumped off the bed and hurried to the chest resting against the wall of the room. She bent over and fiddled with the catch.

Ben said nothing. Was he even paying attention to her? Or was he still imagining Titcage degrading her? Damn this clasp! Why wouldn’t the chest open?

Suddenly she realised what she was doing. She was bending at the waist while wearing a skirt and no panties. Ben had a clear view of her engorged, naked, drooling pussy. She yelped and straightened immediately, turning to look at Ben.

Ben was blushing a little. ‘Um… do you want to put some panties on?’ he asked.

Claire knew what her dad would answer. ‘No,’ she said, blushing even more. ‘I’m fine like this.’

‘Okay,’ said Ben, and then, after a moment, ‘Well, I like the new look.’

I bet you do, thought Claire. ‘It’s just a.. thing,’ she said lamely.

‘Aren’t you worried you’ll get raped, going around without panties?’ Ben asked.

Claire thought through the sentence several times before she answered, but she could only see one answer permitted by her grade rules – and anyway, it was the answer her training tape told her in her own voice several times a night.

‘If I get raped while wearing no panties, it’s my own fault,’ she said. And then added, without really knowing why, ‘That’s the fun of it.’

Ben had a noticeable erection now. Claire needed to get rid of him.

‘Look, Ben,’ she said, ‘I have some stuff to do tonight. Do you think I could catch up with you when we go back to school on Monday instead?’ She remembered she was supposed to compliment men. ‘I really like having you here and I like you seeing me.’

Ben looked disappointed, but he said, ‘Okay, sure.’ He stood up, and gave her a long hug. He held her much longer than he’d ever hugged her before, and Claire started to feel very awkward. She could feel his erection pressing against her groin.

Finally, he let her go, and left the house. Claire breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the night passed as a routine. Claire helped make dinner. She pissed in the shower. She climbed into bed and masturbated with her dildo after Steph fell asleep. She lay there listening to her own voice telling her she was a rapeable lesbian slut. And then she fell asleep herself.

(To be continued…)