Under The Weirwood Tree

In an alternate Westeros, where the Northern kingdoms have allied with the Wildling forces beyond the wall in the united hope of defeating the oncoming tide of the White Walkers, before King Robert journeys across the greater part of the wild lands to appoint Ned Stark as his new Hand, we find Ned’s sons, Rob and Jon, caught up in the whims and wiles of an entrancing wildling girl who wishes to see a Weirwood Tree.

Under the Weirwood Tree

“Jonny boy, look!” Rob Stark held back his brother so that they could get a view of the wildling girl, Jes, as she crested the ridge.

Her thin leggings clung taut around her form as she traversed the rough ground. She slipped suddenly, throwing her arms out to break her fall. Her knee planted into the soft earth, her body thrown over, giving the boys a full view of her rear from below.

“Have you ever seen a more incredible arse, brother?”

Jon Snow shook his head in distaste. “Do I have to remind you, Rob, that she’s practically your sister.”

“So? The Targaryens wedded their siblings for centuries.”

“We’re not Targaryns. And in any case, it’s not right. She’s promised to Bran–“

“Who cares, little brother.” Rob said, cutting Jon off. “She’s more desirable than all the whores this side south of the wall.” He held Jon by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “It’s only a promise. She’s not betrothed yet.” He grinned a toothy grin. “If anything, Jon, we’d be doing little Bran a favour.”

“You always justify your actions with simple minded authority. Whether right or wrong, it matters naught to you, does it?” Jon asked with an hefty austere tone.

“So you agree then?” he grinned again. “We do this!”

“Oh no!” Jon broke off from his hold. “There’ll be no we in this.”

“Come on, brother. I promise you, Ros has got nothing on her–“

“Do not bring her into this.” Jon’s brows drew down into a sullen scowl.

“Okay, okay. But don’t try to hide it like you wouldn’t,” Rob said, flicking the back of his hand between Jon’s legs, intentionally grazing his subtle bulge. “I know you’ve been glaring at her arse the entire trek through.”

Jon shook his head, still disposed against the thought.

“Hey, it’s just the three of us up here. No one’s going to know a thing.”

“I’ll know, Rob.”

“Hey, you southern fucks!” Jes interrupted. “Are you going to quit jerking each other off and give a girl a hand over this thing?” she asked, as she dusted off her knee. Both the boys grinned at each other this time, knowing that she knew how they looked at her.

Jon shuffled over, gripped her around the waist from behind, Rob from the front. They hoisted her up together, but Rob’s hand found its way to the mound between her legs.

“By the gods, Rob!” she yelped.

“The old gods or the new?” he grinned.

“Just push me up, damn you!” Rob pushed up, his thumb sunk into the crevice of her cunt. With a firm satisfactory grip, he elevated her over the top. He could swear a moan escaped her as she clawed herself over the crest.

“My turn now,” Rob turned to Jon indicating to him for a boost. Jon shook his head again.

“I should have known before you came along.”

“Oh, come on, Jonny boy! Quit being such a bitch for once. If I was you I’d be living up to the name. Being a bastard! Through and through! No one can do anything to you. You’re father’s blood for crying out loud. Have some fun, brother. You only have one life.” He grinned then turned to whisper “I swear she’s fucking wet for it. Smell my hand.” Jon rolled his eyes. The wildling overheard their conversation, smirked, then walked on cresting the rise as the brothers helped each other over the egde.

Jes had never seen the lake before, and it was beautiful. Lush and full of life, the expansive lake spread out before her to the far ends of the valley. There, dotted along the edge were all the tall pines, like a line of sentinels standing guard over the secluded Winterfell lake. Closer along it’s banks were a shorter breed, a mix of scattered conifers that housed the greater species of the highland birds, their songs chorusing in the afternoon air, setting a harmonious mood that settled well with her. She could really get comfortable in these lands, she thought. And there, cusping the edge of the lake’s nearest bank was the great weirwood tree. It’s distinctive red leaves, mixed with all the other flora, decorated the lake in a cacophony of autumn colours. It’s long stretching branches gently caressing the surface of the lake like two candid lovers in an eternal embrace. She smiled to herself.

As if a fairy tale from the past had come to life, those tales about the ancient weirwoods her Old Nan used to tell her before bedtime, the ones when she was but a few years younger, the ones she remembered so vividly, were but only stories to hold on to. With her childhood limitations her imagination was restricted. The ethereal charm from her imagination was nowhere close to the reality of it. The picturesque place exuded a real sense of magic. She could feel it in her bones. It touched her soul and moved her in ways she couldn’t comprehend.

“Last one in has to suck my cock!” Rob said as he rushed passed the two and jumped off the cliff edge.

“Seven hells!” Jon exclaimed as he watched the ruffian that was his half-brother plough into the water.

“Come on, you pussies!” Rob screamed from below. “The water’s incredible.” Jes, now excited, began to untie her boots. She slid them off tossing them aside.

“What are you doing?” Jon asked.

“Getting undressed.”

“But you’re a girl.”

“But you are an odd one, Southern boy,” she dismissed, perplexed with his unique demeanor. But if she was honest with herself, he was growing with intrigue.

“I’m no Southerner.” Jon said dismissively.

“You’re all Southerners. All you south of the wall,” she explained. “Anyway, I’m not sucking his cock!” she said with a cheeky grin.

Jon took this as his cue and kicked off his boots but he suddenly paused. He stood there with wide eyes as he watched Jes pull off the strings that bound her leggings and shimmied them down to her ankles before kicking them off. Her soft mound was bare of all hair. Jon had an adolescent smirk on his face, rapture in his eyes.

“It’s all the craze beyond the wall,” she shrugged.

“Pretty,” he mumbled, his words barely audible. Her slit was clearly visible, slightly parted and glistened with her wetness.

She slowly pulled her top over and let it fall to the ground. She stood there in her complete nudeness for a moment. It was the first time he’d seen a girl bare. And he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

She was a rare beauty. One that carried herself not like any girl south of the wall Jon had seen before. With her wild and unkempt brunette hair, strong body and solid stance, and most of all her unabashed disposition towards the southerners, as Wildlings called all those south of the wall. She was definately a wildling, he thought. A thoroughbred wildling. And she was glorious.

Jon was frozen as he watched her, entrapped in a carnal desire, as if she was weaving wildling witchcraft over him. He was always attracted to wildling girls. He remembered the first time he had seen Jes. The first time he’d been North of the Wall. The first time he entered The Haunted Forest.

It was his father Ned Stark who had taken him, along with his eldest brother Rob, the young heir to the Winterfell throne. They were to choose from Mance Rayder’s prospective daughters. None of them were befitting of Rob, Ned had though. But one girl, a fierce child with a sharp attitude, and a sharper tongue had stood out for the Warden of the North. The girl fit the liking of Ned, but not yet of age for a royal pairing with Rob, was instead promised to Bran.

The girl was Jes. Even in her childlish form, she had caught the attention of his father’s eyes. And her powerful effect was yet stronger over young Jon. His prepubescent hormones had kicked in the moment he laid eyes on her. And then again, the second time he had visited Mance’s great kingdom of ice and snow, when he was a little older, when his hormones were a raging torrent of juvenile force. And now, she had come to Winterfell for the first time, and now she was more woman than ever.

Now, in her complete nudity, her wildling spell was doing a real bout of damage on him. The setting sun behind her cast a heavenly glow over her lithe and supple form, the rays glimmering through her wild locks. A real wildling to behold, he imagined.

“Need some help, Southern boy?”

“Huh?” The spell broke.

“Those trouse getting a little – hard – to take off?” she teased.

Jon, suddenly aware of himself, cupped his hands between his legs. She walked over to him, a slow seductive strut that threw her hips from side to side while she held his gaze. It was almost hypnotic.

When she closed the distance and met him, she paused, gently running her fingers through his dark curly 
locks. Then gripped the back of his top and whipped it off over his head. She trailed her hands down his smooth chest, around his hard nipples and down towards his midrift. She was fascinated with his rippled body and the deep v-lines that led down – down towards the inevitable, she thought to herself. A smirk pulled across her lips. This was a boy in a man’s body. But, she thought, if she got her way, he’d be a boy no longer.

She looked him in the eyes as she pulled on a draw string, his trouse fell to his ankles. When she looked down his hands were still cupped between his legs. She laughed a full throaty laugh, then blew him a kiss.

”Enjoy sucking off your brother,” she winked before jumping off the edge. He watched in awe as her graceful body sprang into the air before entering the water. It took a moment before she came to the surface. “Come on, Jon. The water’s lovely!”

Jon didn’t think for a second, drivin on by his sudden flood of testosterone, he pulled up his loose leggings and ran toward the edge diving in head first, but he didn’t take into account the pressure of the water when he entered. It ripped off his trouse before he could grab at it. He swam below for a while trying to locate it, but couldn’t spot it anywhere. Before he knew it he was out of breath and needed to brake the surface.

He came up underneath Jes. His hands roamed up her legs then caressed the sides of her body. She wriggled to break free but he held her close, his body rubbing against her thighs. She giggled in hysterics.

“It’s cold!” Jon said through clattering teeth. They were clattering more from the excitement rather that the chill of the lake.

“It’s freezing. But it’s so good!”

“Yes,” he agreed. He smiled then. It was glorious to be so free and open in each other’s company, he thought.

They floated a while, bobbing in the water, looking at each other, grinning without abandon. When they got close enough to each another, their hands slowly began to explore each another’s bodies. Jes gently caressed his strong chest, her hands gliding over the deep collar bones and his hard pectorals, his rough muscles solid beneat. Her hands roamed his fine form settling over his hard nipples. She teased and pinched at them, grinning fully. He laughed deeply, enjoying the sensation that coursed through him, the sharp pain a pleasure.

Jon’s hands were focused on her breasts, massaging the meaty glands as if it was the first time he’d ever felt a woman’s tit. Her nipples were rock hard with excitement as well. She had small mounds on her chest but they were a generous handful. A satisfactory biteful, he thought to himself. Her skin was smooth and cool to the touch. His hands slipped further down to her midrift. She was fit. An athletic body, firm and supple. He grew with exciting as he glided over every inch of her. Then he held onto her hip while he slipped his other hand even lower, to between her legs. Jes reached out and held onto his shoulders. She felt a finger slip inside, Jon slowly massaging his finger and thumb against her.

“Ah, you’ve got some tricks, Southern boy.” Jon hated being called that, but this time he let it pass. He was quiet, focused. They both bobbed closer to one another in the water, a still moment held between them as Jes read into his eyes, his primal urges revealed in them. Her jaw opened wide as a spasm hit her hard. She felt another finger slip inside. She reached out and gripped his forearm and began to buck and grind her hips against his protruded hand. She enjoyed the moment. Thriving on it. A sensual smile crossed her face, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, surrendering to the writhing jolts that chorused through her body.

The moment was interrupted when Rob swam behind Jes, pulling her away from Jon, his hands roamed over her lower stomach, his fingers reaching out between her legs and gripping hard. She screamed at him to stop it, he pulled away, then she swam after him.

Rob teased, “Hey, Jon. Look what I found.” Clutched in his hands was Jon’s leggings.

“Don’t give it back, Rob!” Jes teased, looking back at Jon with a naughty glint in her eyes. Jon splash over to them and Rob swam away, teasing him on.

“Come on, Rob. Don’t be a cock!” he protested.

“Oh, thanks for reminding me, baby brother. Don’t you have a job to do?” he joked. Rob began to swim toward the bank. When he exited the water, he threw Jon’s trouse over a tall branch of the Weirwood. He moved over to a patch of dry grass and sat down. “When you’re ready, come on over. I’m already hard as a rock, thanks to our mutual friend,” he laughed.

“He’s such an ass.” Jes said to Jon, eyes betraying her words as she looked on lustfully at Rob, his glistening and rippled chest heaving with quick ragged breaths.

“Tell me about it.”

“But he’s so inviting, isn’t he?”

“Huh?” Jon turned to her, a blank look on his face.

“I’m going to relax in the sun.”

“Uhm… you’re naked.”

“So?” She turned to face him, with a look that pierced through him. “Want to join me?” she winked, then swam off.

“Throw me my leggings, will you?”

“You want it? Come and get it.” She challenged, a wicked smirk flashed across her face.

Jon couldn’t believe her, as he watched her step out of the water. Her body shimmering in the evening sun. She was strong and lean, like a goddess, her subtle curves magnifying her appeal in his lustful eyes. Soon, he realised, he’d have to step out in his nakedness too. He decided to stay a while. A while until his excitement died down a little.

Jes walked up the bank, her hips sultry swaying from side to side, eyes locked on Rob. When he tore his eyes off from her body and looked at her face, she pulled her gaze away smiling to herself. She plunked down cross-legged on the ground beside Rob and began wringing out her long wet locks, beads of water trailing down her long neck and bare chest. She didn’t pay him much attention, but made her body very apparent for him, arching her back and stretching her long neck to the side. Her curves accentuated, gleaming in the dying light of day.

“My God, you’re fucking perfect,” Rob said, eyeing out her cunt. He looked her over, unabashed and objectively, taking in every inch of her physical beauty. Jes was enjoying it. As she sat, she lay open between her legs, and he could see that she was wet. Not the wetness of the lake but the wetness that came with excitement. Sexual excitement. The scent was strong, and he savored the essence. Her precum coated her opening, and her inner lips hung out like a glistening flower beckoning the wanton bee inside. Rob gripped his crotch through his pants, his cock growing hard within. “The wanton bee,” he said to himself.

“What are you mumbling over there?”


“Nothing, huh?” Jes rolled her eyes at him. “So you’re afraid to whip it out in front of me too?” she challenged.

“What?” he asked, stunned.

“Boys!” She grinned and looked over at his crotch, raising her eyebrow. Rob got up and stood before her, tugged down his wet leggings. His cock slapped against his wet torso. Droplets off water sprayed at her face.

“Oh, my God!” Jes exclaimed as her eyes locked onto his massive cock. It was thick, veiny and trimmed of all hair, it’s bulbous head peeking out slightly from the uncircumcised fold. “It’s huge!”

Rob was loving the attention.

“Can I?” She asked, motioning to touch it. Her face exposed her utter glee in that moment, as she looked up at him with wide eyes. Rob, a few years her senior, got excited by her sudden fervent mood. Her flagrant curiosity startled his inner depravity and caused his cock to twitch with a new vigour. The veins pumping the blood to the head. It stood taller, stronger, larger.

“Of course, you can!” He said, confidence oozing out of him as he stood towering above her with his legs apart, hands perched on hips. “You can do more than that, beautiful.”

“Oh, I doubt I can do anything else. It’s almost as big as my forearm.” She said, as she reached out.

“We’ll find a way,” he winked.

Her delicate fingers brushed it’s head. It was soft to the touch, cold and smooth. Her mouth opened a little, in awe of the beast between his legs. She licked her lips. His hand wrapped around the back of her neck and he drew her closer to the point where her heavy breathing fell on his cock. It was tantalizing for him. Her soft breath falling in quick short spells. His wet cock, almost with a mind of its own, jumped in her hand kissing her chin, a drop of precum left behind on the edge of her chin. She grinned a big grin, her cheeks lighting up her face, baring her adolescent features. But her eyes gleamed with an adult intent.

“I’ve never seen one so big before. My fingers can barely go around.” She gripped his shaft and pulled back, the uncircumcised fold rolling back, revealing Rob’s full head. It was large and throbbing, pumping with strong, steady jolts. “God, Robbie! It’s bigger than my mouth!” she said, looking up at him with large bold eyes. “I have this desire! This need! To–”

“Go ahead, give it a lick,” he urged, entranced by her dilated pupils. He’s looked at it again, the bead of precum dripping out and hanging from the tip like a loose weight. Jes moved in closer her tongue taking in the clear liquid as she moved up nearer to the tip of the head. She gave it a slow lick. She pulled back and the thick clear rope of precum was caught between his cock and her tongue. It broke and fell off, trailing down her chin. She licked the head again. More precum oozed out that trailed down his shaft.

“Mmm, it’s sweet,” she said, watching it make a trail down her wrapped fingers and over her forearm. “I could suck at it all day if I could.”

“That could be arranged,” Rob replied, pulling her head back towards his erect cock. She opened her mouth gladly to accept more. She took in his head, her tongue flashing out and coating his cockhead with saliva. She bobbed her head again taking more in on the second go before pulling back.

“Jes! What in hell’s name–” Jon blurted, emerging from the water.

“Isn’t it glorious, Jon?” Jes asked, her voice muffled from between Rob’s legs, still holding on to his firm cock.

“Get off of her, you bastard!” Jon stepped between them pulling the two apart.

“Oh, come on, Jon!” Jes expelled. “We’re just having a little fun. What do you think we came here for? To see the lake?”


“Oh, come on! Do I have to spell it out for you?” She turned to face him. “I didn’t just wear my tightest and thinnest leggings for nothing. So when I walked in front of you two you’rl could get a good look at everything. From the moment I entered Winterfell, and laid my eyes on you two boys I knew I had to sneak your’l off so I could wrap my hands around all that.” Jes said, her hand motions exaggerating her words, eyes locked on Jon’s naked body, getting excited in her little reveal. “Does a girl have to do all the work? Or are you boys going to join in?” she begged.

“Oh, Hell! You don’t have to ask twice, beautiful.” Rob said wrapping his arm around Jes, caressing her tit. She smiled up at him.

“Get your hands off of her!” Jon demanded, separating them again.

“What the hell, bro?” Rob asked.

“Yeah, Jon. Why are you fighting this?” Jes asked.

“You don’t understand, Jes. This is what Rob does all the time.”

“Oh, please. Give me a break, Jon! You just want her for yourself,” He revealed.

“You just push yourself into everything. Just like how you stole Ros from me.”

“Jon, Ros was a slut. Wake up, brother. She never was yours in the first place.”

In that moment, Jon snapped and charged Rob, spearing him to the ground. The two naked boys rolled into the lake. Rob somehow emerged on top, mounting Jon and holding his head below water. Jess rushed over and threw her body into Rob, knocking him off.

“What the hell are you doing?” she screamed as she pulled Jon up. He gasped for air, desperation struck across his face as he took a deep breath in. “You could have fucking killed him.”

“He started it!” Suddenly feeling foolish, he blurted out and apology. “Sorry. I wasn’t gonna kill him.”

Jes gave Rob a stern look.

“I’m serious, Jes. I swear it by the gods! The old and the new! I just got carried away.”

Jes, not yet convinced, turned towards Jon. “You okay?” She asked, caressing his cheek.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” Silence hung in the air as a calm washed over the group. “I did kind of start it,” he admitted.

“And that was a slut move by Ros, you got to admit,” Rob said.

“Enough about her, brother. Please!” Jon begged.

“Okay. I’m sorry.” Rob held up his hands signaling his surrender.

“Good,” Jes said. “Now make up.” She pulled Jon up from the water.

“Ah, brother.” Rob said. “I didn’t mean it, I swear. I just got carried away, that’s all. You’re my baby brother. I would never intentionally hurt you.” He stepped in to hug Jon.

“Ah, come on! Get off me, Rob. We’re naked!” Jes began to laugh. “It isn’t funny, Jes.”

“Oh, yes it is,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Throught the embarrassment and awkwardness Jon managed a little smile. She had a good look at him. And his naked form. He was completely honest, opened. Physically and emotionally. It was beautiful. And in that instance she began to feel for him. She walked up to him and cupped his face in her hands. 

“Is it true?” she asked.

“What’s true?”

“That you want me for yourself?” Jon took a step back, but Jes didn’t allow him the space. She stepped with him, into him, their naked bodies against each other. Jon could feel himself harden against her, but this time he didn’t feel any embarrassment like he did up on the cliff.

“I want you, Southern boy. I’m going to use you like you wanted to be used by that girl Ros.” Their eyes were locked onto each others. “And you’re going to forget her name when I’m through.”

In that moment they kissed, their lips meeting together, their hands wrapped around each other’s backs. Jes’ tongue explored his mouth. It was soft, warm, inviting. She was tingling with excitement. She had wanted to kiss him the moment she stepped off the horse. The moment she had seen his strong form, his broad shoulders, his ravishing smile and boyish good looks. She had wanted to taste him. And now that she tasted him she wanted more.

Her hands came around to his front and wrapped around his cock. It was a nice size, both boys equally matched, she could imagine herself having a lot of fun with the both of them. She squeezed his cock hard, blood rushed to Jon’s head and he gasped for air.

“God, I want you now, girl!” Jes smiled broadly.

They kissed deeply again and when they broke off their embrace they looked into each other’s eyes with knowing, understanding. They noticed Rob behind them. She reached out for Rob and brought him closer.

“You too, Rob.” She looked at him deeply. “Ros had no idea what she had. And I’m going to show your’l how we do it in the North.” She kissed him too. Their tongues writhing together effortlessly while she stroked Jon’s cock.

She smiled, now with all intention revealed in her eyes. “Let’s go back to the bank. But this time, I’m doing the wrestling,” she said with a smirk on her face.

She turned toward Rob, reached out for his cock, gripping it firmly and walked towards the bank with both boys in tow.