Watching Mother

Watching your mom when young can be thrilling, and when you get caught you expect the very worst.

It was a gorgeous morning as I leaned nervously near the top steps of the staircase. I was 16 and I’d only recently woken up to the joys and possibilities of sex and the female form. I’d been skirting the edges of it for quite some time now, probably a randy boy since the age of six but I went to an all boys school and it took a long time for the information to get through to me that girls were good.

I had taken of late to spying on my mother, as she was the only female I was really exposed to regularly. She was lovely, everything a boy or a man could want, nice large breasts, not too large but not so small that she could ever be accused of being flat chested, long legs, tall and slim. She was this morning going through her morning routine, tidying the house up and getting dressed. Well there she was at the other end of the long hall in her bedroom facing the huge mirrors she had on the wall of her bedroom as she began the process I had waited for.

I watched as she pulled her nightdress over her head, I began nervously fondling myself as her nakedness was revealed for all to see. I was the only one in the house and she thought I was downstairs watching TV. Her breasts sat proudly on her chest they were only showing the slightest sag to them, but nothing bad at all (I’ve since learned the difference between women who have had children and those who haven’t and these were much firmer than you would expect.

She stopped and looked at herself in the mirror then walked across to her drawers and pulled out a pair of knickers and bra, items that I’d fondled at times in the past and knew well. Whilst she was gone I ducked back and gave myself a couple of good hard tugs thinking about myself getting to play with those luscious tits.

I heard her move back in front of the mirror and I moved back forwards so I could watch the rest of the show. It must have been that movement that gave me away now that I look back on it. Probably the bright sunshine coming through the window behind me cast a shadow I at 16 hadn’t really considered in my voyeuristic adventure. But nevertheless she continued to put her knickers on which was a heaven sent picture, her bending over reaching down letting her breasts dangle there in front of me is something I still to this day can’t get out of my mind.

When she stood and pulled her knickers the rest of the way up she walked out of my sight again. I waited as she’d left her bra behind, naturally assuming she’d decided on a different bra. That’s when my heart leapt into my mouth as I heard her say “John come here.” in that stern voice of hers. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do, what to say, I’d been caught red-handed intruding on her privacy.

She waited and didn’t say another word. But I could tell it wasn’t a wait to see if I was actually there, it was a wait that said no matter what she knew I was there. Finally I stood up and walked to her bedroom to find her standing in front of me still with only a pair of knickers on.

“Mom I’m sorry.”

“Tsk. It’s ok honey but why are you doing this?” She replied. Still amazingly calm given the situation.

I paused before I replied. I didn’t really know what to say, in fact I didn’t really know what to do. Finally I said, “Well mom because, well, you’re just so beautiful.” My voice carried every ounce of fear I was feeling.

It was then that the real shock happened. “Ok well if you’re old enough to do this I suppose it’s time that you learned a few things.” I stared at Mom open mouthed. She still wasn’t making an effort to cover her breasts and I found my gaze returning there continuously.

I was visibly shaking so she came towards me and wrapped me in a hug. This had the effect of mashing my face into her naked breasts. I was now in a position I’d dreamed of for a whole year but my fear still stopped me from acting, though now the sexuality of the situation was getting through the fear. I hugged my mother back and began crying. She shushed me saying “It’s ok son, but we’re going to have to stop this, I can’t have you watching me when I don’t know about it. Besides I have feelings too so I’m going to teach you what to do with a woman, and use me to teach you everything.”

With those last words she took my hands firmly from around her, stood back and placed them on her breasts. I think it was at this point it finally dawned on me what was going to happen, and that I was about to have a very, very good time.

I started tentatively at first squeezing her breasts with my hands, then looked up at her face and she nodded at me to continue. I squeezed them harder and she stopped me “No son not too hard, like anywhere else they can hurt.” I began to focus on her nipples, playing my hands over them, amazed at how erect and tight they were. She said “Suck on them John”.

I did. Probably for the next half an hour I was in heaven just sucking, kissing and playing with her tits. Then I decided to get adventurous. After all my mother still had her knickers on so I figured it was somewhere forbidden so I traced my hand over her stomach. Finally I reached the top of her white, knickers and dipped my hand ever so slightly under the waistband. Instantly my hands caught on to her light pubic hair. My mother knowing exactly what I was doing moved her hands, without my really noticing and slipped the knickers down, giving me free access to her whole body.

Pushing me back she pulled my dressing gown off and lowered my boxer shorts. “Fair is fair son, if I’m naked you have to be.” I didn’t argue, although for a minute or two I still tried to hide my embarrassment. She wouldn’t have any of it, so she batted my hands out of the way and knelt down. “Have you been with anyone yet son sexually?”

I said, “No mom, when have I had the opportunity?” Smiling nervously. I had come very close with my stepsister but my mother and stepfather had split up just before we learned anything more interesting than boys and girls are different.

Mom smiled. “Ok I’m going to give you what’s known as a blow job. I don’t mind if u come in my mouth and I don’t mind if it’s fast, the first time you’ll cum quick, I want to get that out of the way.”

I could believe her I already felt close to cumming and she hadn’t even touched my dick. She leaned forward quickly, gently pulled my foreskin back and before I could grasp what was happening I felt my dick surrounded by warm, wet air then I felt her sucking. All the while her tongue started twirling around the head of my penis like a merry go round gone mad. Almost instantly I let go coming in her mouth with the best orgasm I’d had since the first time I’d whacked off.

She continued sucking and milking me until it deflated, swallowing every last drop. I was stunned by the whole experience and hoped that this was not it.

It wasn’t.

She got up and hopped lithely onto the bed and motioned me to lie down between her legs. “You’ve had yours now you give me mine. Remember son it’s only fair that if a woman gives you and orgasm you should give one back.”

Now I have to admit eating a woman out had never featured as a fantasy in the last year or so, but I knew this was not something she would let me get away with so I looked at her pubic mound, noticing that the hair was sparse there, and that there was a faint aroma coming from her. It was definitely not unpleasant. In fact I was already beginning to get hard again.

She moved her fingers explaining what I was seeing, spreading the lips of her vagina apart she said, “this is my vagina, usually called cunt, pussy, or something else equally vulgar. Don’t call it a vagina when we’re having sex, it’s not exactly erotic, cunt is.” Then her fingers traced up to show me a protuberance “This is the clitoris. If you want to send me to heaven, pay lots of gentle attention to it. Just imagine it’s like the head of your penis and think about how much u love rough play with it, that’s how much I like it with my clit. Don’t play rough in other words. Be gentle with it.”

“Now I want u to lick my pussy. See how it tastes.” I did. All the boys at school had gone on about how it tasted fishy in a bad way. I didn’t think so, it tasted fine to me, so I liked again. My reward for that was to hear a gentle “Oh” come from my mother. I licked again, and this time I dashed my tongue gently over her clit. My mother fair jumped at the contact. I stopped, worried I had done wrong. But she said “No that was good, carry on.”

I did licking and dipping my tongue regularly into her pussy, and then I tried something a friend had told me. He did say it didn’t always work because some clits were just too small, but to try it anyway. I curled my tongue over and wrapped it around her clit. Then I moved it up and down, sucking whilst I did so. The response to this finale (though I didn’t realise it) was electric. I could feel my mother tense and begin shuddering, the whimpering caught me slightly off guard but I carried on sure my mother would stop me if needs be. Then a flow of juices flooded out of her. I lapped them up quickly, and then felt my mother lift my head away from her pussy. She had a glazed smile on her face as she said, “That was good John. So very, very good.”

She bent down and kissed me. Not the tender mother son kisses we’d had before but a passionate lip lock. I hadn’t been kissed before and I wasn’t sure what to do, I discovered it was a gently exploration of each other’s mouths, not fighting each other to see who could get who’s tongue furthest into the others mouth but a simple rolling of the tongues together, moving back and forth from each mouth. We settled back next to each other on the bed as we kissed. My dick placed itself firmly at my mothers’ stomach and demanded her attention, whilst my hands explored the whole of her body.

Suddenly she broke away from our kiss and sat up then pushed me back on the bed. “I’m going to do all the work this time honey, but don’t get used to it”. She laid me on my back and knelt with her legs either side of my body. Taking hold of my hard on she gave it a small tug or two. It’s not anything to write home about I’ve never been big. But I know now it’s not the size that counts, it’s what you can do with or without it that counts, although I’m reliably informed there is a great difference in feeling between a big cock and a little one. She gently lowered herself down and I could feel the head gently slide into her. I have no words to describe what I felt as her warmth surrounded me. It felt like putting on a very tight warm wet glove, but the sensations that went with started to drive me out of my mind right there.

Once she’d lowered herself all the way I gazed up at her, seeing her smiling face above those wonderful naked breasts, I realised I was no longer a virgin. Then I also realised I loved this woman far more than just how a son should love his mother. Then she lifted herself up and dropped down. I don’t think I lasted too long, I know I lost count of the number of times she dropped down on me. But finally I felt my balls tighten and my muscles across my stomach tingled and I shot my load deep into my mother’s womb. She kept me inside of her after wards and bent forwards to kiss me. I held her in my arms as I fell asleep exhausted after such an emotional and tumultuous morning.