Watching My Partner Cheat For The First Time

This is a true account of one journey home

To give you a picture of who I am and who my partner is, my name is Rob and my partner is Emma beautiful church going sweetheart that had an innocent attitude and was always very caring towards others, I am 30 and she is 24, we both have a strong relationship and both of us shared a lot in common. I being tall 6 ‘2 and Emma being 5’9 we are both attractive, I have blonde brown hair and Emma has long brown hair. She is a dress size of 12, today she is wearing a short gray skirt with black tights boasting some knee high black boots, she loved to dress provocatively ,but ,as I knew her she was very conservative with a low sex drive. Trying hard to be very decent and acted very sensibly, hardly drank, never took drugs and as far as I knew only had one partner before me. I on the other hand am tall and slim with a high sex drive always feeling like im never getting enough, very lustful and dirty minded always wanting to break her ass in but never given the opportunity which grew my desire to do just that all the time.

Sitting in the passenger seat of our Peugeot 206, I and my partner Emma shared few words. Our frustration of the long 400 mile journey was starting to take its toll and both of us was tired as night started to progress into the early hours of the morning.

‘We should stop at the next large petrol station we are running out of gas, and I am hungry’ Emma insisted so I was told to keep my eye out for the next station stop, my cock started too stir as I was horny but like always I kept quiet, soon enough a sign for a petrol station came past us and I was relieved as I was also getting hungry and wanted to stretch my legs.

As we pulled into the station our conversation was limited to what food to buy and how cold it was, so Emma insisted while she put the petrol in I go in and pay, so with the petrol put in and me being told to go and pay, I walked into the station paid then returned to the car.
‘Im tired and want to rest for a while rob’,
‘ok Hun lets park over there in the back of the car park and relax for a while besides I need the loo and will be a little while’.

In all truth I was feeling a little horny and wanted to go into the toilets for a wank while Emma waited in the car. I had been horny for a while but didn’t bother mentioning it to my darling girlfriend because I knew she didn’t like having sex in the car or so I thought.

We parked into the car park at the rear out of the main light so Emma could close her eyes for a while so she could have a little kip as she was tired from driving. After we parked I looked over to the right and there was a car parked near us two lads with hoodys in an red escort also sitting looking like they were relaxing just like us.

I paid no attention to it and asked Emma to lock the doors as I went to toilet and into the stations arcade to play a few fruit machines; I stated I was going to be a while so just relax.

‘Lock the door Hun I will be right back’. I slammed the door shut and started to make my way to the petrol station, as I walked off I looked back and noticed the two lads in the escort smoking outside there car. I thought nothing of it. In the station I was in the queue paying for my chocolate bars, looking over my shoulder I noticed the two boys were at the window of my car talking to Emma, laughing and chatting, she had rolled down the window and seemed to be engaging them or so it looked from a distance. The queue was long and I really wanted to get to the toilet as I felt really horny and wanted a wank.

As I got to the front of the queue I looked over my shoulder again and noticed from a distance that Emma had got out of the car and was talking to the two boys by the bonnet, I was very surprised and a little concerned, but I knew if she needed help she was the type of person to scream or shout and make a fuss so I wasn’t that afraid for the situation plus I could feel my dick twinge at the excitement of me having a good wank in the toilets.

I paid for my choccy bar and walked out the doors in the foyer towards the toilets, looking over my shoulder again I focused out the window at Emma and the two boys, one of them had his hand on her arse, I was taken by surprise and I thought for her safety but she didn’t move, my first instinct was to run over and punch the crap out of them but something inside me stirred, it was actually my cock that was stirring this sight had turned me on.

I wanted to get a closer look at what was going on but I wanted to remain undetected, she didn’t appear in danger but even if she was there was a part of me that wanted to watch how this would play out, like I said Emma was the type of girl who could fight for herself, make a scene and scream if she was being attacked, but I didn’t even see her move away when this man was touching her ass.

I sneaked out of the petrol station doors walked down the side of the building, found some bins and sat behind them so I could see what was happening, I could feel my cock was burning as it was turning into a huge erection, I hadn’t felt this turned on for a long time, my sweet innocent Christian girlfriend was getting groped and she wasn’t doing anything to repel them, I couldn’t believe it someone was grabbing my birds ass and it was turning me on.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I saw Emma smiling and laughing, the air was filled around them by steam from the mouths as it was so cold. Then to my disbelief the guy touching her ass kissed her cheek, Emma moved away but he grabbed her ass even tighter and pulled her towards him, my cock was really starting to get hard, my girlfriend was being harassed by two guys but it was turning me on so I choose not to intervene, I put my hand in my jeans placed my hand around my throbbing member and felt it grow instantly, bulging in my jeans.

The other man in a hoody stood behind Emma and put his hand round the back of her neck, they both laughed and Emma seemed worried but yet she didn’t scream or make a noise, I could see the guy in front of her unzip his trousers and the other guy holding onto the back of her neck started to push Emma down with the help of one of his knees to the back of hers, Emma was placed forcefully onto her knee’s. The guy in front of her got his cock out which I could see was hard, jerking himself off he pushed his cock onto her lips, she turned away but the guy behind held her head straightened her head so she was facing his crouch, he pushed his cock with a forceful thrust into her mouth, she didn’t make a noise, Emma my beautiful girlfriend seemed not to be resisting at all, he pushed his cock in and out of her mouth to a rhythm, the guy behind started rubbing his crotch as his friend was getting a blowjob.

I was hard as a rock I couldn’t interrupt now I was too turned on, wanking hard but not to fast as I wanted to hold out from cumin as long as I could, I couldn’t believe I was watching her being forcefully face fucked, she put her hand to his throbbing cock and started to suck from her own accord, she was giving him head and I could tell she was starting to really enjoy it. Placing one of her hands round his cock sucking fast and furiously the other in-between her legs fingering herself.

The other guy said something to his friend that was getting a blowjob, I couldn’t here what he said, the guy getting the blowjob tilted his head back and groaned, shit, he just cum in my girlfriends mouth. I watched to see her spit it out but she didn’t, he just filled her mouth with cum and she swallowed the lot, surely this wasn’t the innocent sweet Christian girlfriend I knew, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but with my cock in my hands this turned me on even more.

The guy behind placed his hands under her shoulders and helped her up, she bent forward over the bonnet of the car, the first guy zipped himself up and looked around, I ducked behind the bins as not to be seen but in my haste I knocked a tin can by my foot, the two men both looked around for a second and then they carried on there business. The second man placed himself behind Emma, lifted her skirt to expose her round bum and pulled her tights an knickers down, Emma lying on the bonnet seemed to be looking my way but I thought there was no way she could see me behind the bins..

I saw the second mans trousers fall to his ankles boxers and all exposing his bare bum and cock, placing himself right behind her I could see him rubbing his cock up and down her slit, with one big thrust he pushed his cock straight up her pussy, I heard them both grown, thrusting forwards and back I could hear him pounding her wet pussy, she was groaning hard and she was getting fucked while the other watched playing with his cock. My cock was solid, wanking really hard it never felt so good, I was watching my girlfriend getting fucked by these two men and it was the best thing I had ever seen.

The slapping of his balls was loud and I could hear them both panting, steam circling them as they fucked really hard, the wetness of her pussy squishing in the cold, he pushed his body down on hers pinning her to the bonnet fucking her deep and hard, she offered no resistance and I could tell from the distance I was at she was loving what was happening to her.

The thrusting came fast and hard and he held onto her hips, he paused, pulled out , then spat into his hand, I watched as he pushed a finger up her pussy, well I thought it was her pussy but looking hard I could see he was fingering her ass, spitting on her asshole he aimed his cock onto her asshole and pushed fast and hard in, she squired and tried to move but he forcefully pushed her back down onto the bonnet. I felt myself getting close and wanked while I watched, Emma was being banged faster and faster, fucking her up the ass, they were both panting grunting and moaning. I knew he was about to cum in her and this brought me to the edge, I came into my hands looked up and saw him take a huge thrust into her then collapsed onto her back. He had cum deep inside her virgin asshole. Pulling his trousers up both the men started walking towards there car laughing and joking, by this time my excitement had given way to jealousy but thought it best not to reveal I had been watching them all along.

Emma feel to her knees in front of the car, it looked like she wiped away a tear from her eyes, adjusted her skirt back into its right position got up and got back into the drivers seat of the car. I waited for a minute, the car where the two boys had come from drove away. I thought it was best now to show my face. Walking up to the car I smiled at Emma who was doing her make-up and she smiled back, I hoped into the passenger seat and gave her some choccy bars.

‘ Sorry I took so long Hun I was in the loo, I have a bad tummy’ I said lying.
‘ Didn’t realize there was toilets behind those bins Rob’, she said. I didn’t know what to say so that’s exactly what we did for the rest of the journey home, said nothing.